Kavli IPMU Workshop on Gauge and String Theory
Monday 26 August 2013 (15:00)
Friday 6 September 2013 (17:00)
Monday 26 August 2013
15:00 - 16:00
Room: 3rd floor
Tuesday 27 August 2013
15:00 - 16:00
Room: 3rd floor
Length Changing Supersymmetry in Integrable Spin Chains
Vladimir Mitev
Humboldt University of Berlin
Length Changing Supersymmetry in Integrable Spin Chains
Vladimir Mitev
Humboldt University of Berlin
16:00 - 17:00
Room: Lecture hall
We investigate the integrable gl(m|n) nearest-neighbor spin chains in the rational and trigonometric case and identify the allowed representations and values of the deformation parameter q for which there exist length-changing symmetry generators that commute with the transfer matrix.
Superconformal field theory and supersymmetric sine-Gordon model with Dirichlet boundary conditions
Chihiro Matsui
University of Tokyo
Superconformal field theory and supersymmetric sine-Gordon model with Dirichlet boundary conditions
Chihiro Matsui
University of Tokyo
17:00 - 18:00
Room: Lecture hall
The supersymmetric sine-Gordon model is known as a perturbation from the N=1 c=3/2 superconformal field theory. The connection between these two theories has been studied by taking the ultraviolet limit of the supersymmetric sine-Gordon model. The N=1 superconformal field theory is the theory of a free Majorana fermion and a free boson, whose Hilbert space therefore consists of a tensor product of the fermionic part and the bosonic part. There exist three independent sectors in the fermionic part, each of which is obtained as a descendant of three different primary fields characterized by different conformal weights h=1, 1/2, and 1/16. The sectors of h=1 and h=1/2 can be combined into one superconformal sector named the Neveu-Schwarz sector. The h=1/16 sector is called the Ramond sector. The supersymmetric sine-Gordon model is also obtained from a scaling limit of the spin-1 XXZ model with alternating inhomogeneity. Although it has been pointed out that only the h=1 Neveu-Schwarz sector of the supersymmetric sine-Gordon model can be realized from the spin chain under the periodic boundary condition, we found that imposing the Dirichlet boundary conditions on both ends and computing the conformal dimension through the ultraviolet limit let us obtain the other sectors with the proper choice of boundary parameters. In the context of the corresponding spin chain, the phase transition between the Neveu-Schwarz sector and the Ramond sector is obtained in a plot of magnetic fields with respect to a boundary parameter as the separation into two sectors with different periodicity.
Wednesday 28 August 2013
15:00 - 16:00
Room: 3rd floor
Schroedinger Sigma Models and Jordanian Twists
Kentaroh Yoshida
Kyoto University
Schroedinger Sigma Models and Jordanian Twists
Kentaroh Yoshida
Kyoto University
16:00 - 17:00
Room: Lecture hall
We consider the classical integrable structure of two-dimensional non-linear sigma models defined on 3D Schrodinger spacetime (called the Schrodinger sigma models). The global symmetry is SL(2)_L x U(1)_R. The SL(2)_L symmetry is enhanced to the Yangian Y(sl(2)). We show that the U(1)_R symmetry is enhanced to a Jordanian twisted Yangian. Finally I will discuss the Landau-Lifshitz limit if I have time.
Massive world-sheet S-matrices of integrable string theories
Ben Hoare
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Massive world-sheet S-matrices of integrable string theories
Ben Hoare
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
17:00 - 18:00
Room: Lecture hall
Recently there has been substantial progress in the study of world-sheet S-matrices describing the scattering of massive modes in various (BMN light-cone gauge-fixed and decompactified) AdS_3 x S<sup>3</sup> x M<sup>4</sup> string theories via both perturbation theory and integrability. In this talk I will outline these developments, present some preliminary results for AdS_2 x S<sup>2</sup> x T<sup>6</sup>, and attempt to put them into context through comparisons with the well-known case of AdS_5 x S<sup>5</sup>.
Thursday 29 August 2013
15:00 - 16:00
Room: 3rd floor
MHV amplitude around regular polygonal limit
Yuji Satoh
University of Tsukuba
MHV amplitude around regular polygonal limit
Yuji Satoh
University of Tsukuba
16:00 - 17:00
Room: Lecture hall
We discuss the MHV amplitude/null-polygonal Wilson loop of $ {¥cal N} =4 $ SYM at strong coupling. The amplitude/Wilson loop is evaluated by the area of minimal surfaces in AdS, which are analyzed by integral equations of the thermodynamic Bethe ansatz (TBA) type. When the surfaces are embedded in AdS$_{3}$ or AdS$_{4}$, the integral equations are identified with the usual TBA equations of a two-dimensional integrable model called homogeneous sine-Gordon (HSG) model. The HSG model is obtained by an integrable deformation of a coset CFT. In special cases, the associated TBA system reduces to simpler ones for perturbed diagonal coset CFTs/(W-)minimal models. Based on these facts, we derive an analytic expansion of the amplitude/Wilson loop around the limit where the Wilson loop becomes regular polygonal.
Two-Loop Unitarity
David Kosower
IPhT, CEA-Saclay
Two-Loop Unitarity
David Kosower
IPhT, CEA-Saclay
17:00 - 18:00
Room: Lecture hall
The unitarity method is a key part of the set of on-shell methods for calculating gauge-theory amplitudes both analytically and numerically. These methods have been used successfully to obtain the one-loop amplitudes needed for a variety of cutting-edge high-multiplicity next-to-leading order calculations for LHC physics. In this talk, I present the first steps in extending maximal unitarity to a computation of two-loop amplitudes, needed for precision LHC calculations. I present the formalism for double-box integrals with various external masses, and aspects of the extension to slashed-box integrals.
Friday 30 August 2013
15:00 - 16:00
Room: 3rd floor
On three point functions in SU(2)-sector at strong coupling
Shota Komatsu
University of Tokyo
On three point functions in SU(2)-sector at strong coupling
Shota Komatsu
University of Tokyo
16:00 - 17:00
Room: Lecture hall
I will talk about my ongoing (almost finished) project about correlation functions of three non-BPS heavy operators in the SU(2)-sector in N=4 SYM at strong coupling. The computation is done by evaluating the area and the contributions of the vertex operators of the string worldsheet in AdS_3 \times S^3 using integrability. I will describe the basic idea and an outline of our method, and show partial results. If time permits, I will also mention the application of our method to the classical limit of DOZZ 3-pnt functions in Liouville theory.
On the three-point functions of heavy fields in the SU(2) sector of N=4 SYM
Ivan Kostov
IPhT - Saclay
On the three-point functions of heavy fields in the SU(2) sector of N=4 SYM
Ivan Kostov
IPhT - Saclay
17:00 - 18:00
Room: Lecture hall
We present some exact results about the tree-level 3-point function of local single-trace operators in the scalar sector of planar N = 4 supersymmetric Yang-Mills. Explicit expressions are obtained for particular cases involving su(2) and su(3) type fields, where the 3pt function can be written as a determinant. In the limit of large conformal weights of the operators, the 3pt function depends in a universal way of the three quasimomenta and the way they split into a left and right piece.
Saturday 31 August 2013
Sunday 1 September 2013
Monday 2 September 2013
Line operators and dualities of 4d gauge theories
Yuji Tachikawa
University of Tokyo
Line operators and dualities of 4d gauge theories
Yuji Tachikawa
University of Tokyo
10:00 - 12:00
Room: Lecture hall
15:00 - 16:00
Room: 3rd floor
Tuesday 3 September 2013
Exact results in two-dimensional (2,2) supersymmetric gauge theories with boundary
Kentaro Hori and Mauricio Romo
Exact results in two-dimensional (2,2) supersymmetric gauge theories with boundary
Kentaro Hori and Mauricio Romo
10:00 - 12:00
Room: Lecture hall
Photo shoot
Photo shoot
12:00 - 12:15
Room: 3rd floor
15:00 - 16:00
Room: 3rd floor
18:00 - 20:00
Wednesday 4 September 2013
The Superconformal Bootstrap -- Overview and Exact Results
Leonardo Rastelli
YITP, Stony Brook Univeristy
The Superconformal Bootstrap -- Overview and Exact Results
Leonardo Rastelli
YITP, Stony Brook Univeristy
10:00 - 12:00
Room: Lecture hall
15:00 - 16:00
Room: 3rd floor
Thursday 5 September 2013
Integrability as Gauge-Theory Duality
Masahito Yamazaki
Integrability as Gauge-Theory Duality
Masahito Yamazaki
10:00 - 11:00
Room: ***Media hall
Yangian Symmetry of smooth Wilson Loops in N=4 SYM
Yangian Symmetry of smooth Wilson Loops in N=4 SYM
11:00 - 12:00
Room: ***Media hall
15:00 - 16:00
Room: 3rd floor
Friday 6 September 2013
The Superconformal Bootstrap -- Results for Non-Protected Quantities
Chris Beem and Balt van Rees
The Superconformal Bootstrap -- Results for Non-Protected Quantities
Chris Beem and Balt van Rees
10:00 - 12:00
Room: Lecture hall
15:00 - 16:00
Room: 3rd floor