Baryons in the Universe 2024

Lecture Hall (Kavli IPMU, Kashiwa, Japan)

Lecture Hall

Kavli IPMU, Kashiwa, Japan

Kashiwa, Japan


April 8-12, 2024


Kavli IPMU, Kashiwa, Japan

Important Dates

2023 Oct 31:  First announcement of meeting. 

2024 Jan 14: Abstract submissions closed. 

2024 Feb 5: Notification of contributed talks. Announcement of contributed talks delayed to ~ Feb 13, sorry!

2024 April 8: Conference begins.


While baryons compose only 4% the mass-energy of the Universe, they still elude our understanding as the vast majority reside in the circum-halo or inter-galactic media that are difficult to characterize. The distribution of these baryons reflect their accretion into galaxies and subsequent feedback out of galaxies.  The differential distribution of baryons relative to the dark matter also affect cosmological clustering and lensing analyses, and need to be understood to allow precision cosmology at the percent level. Various observational probes including X-rays, quasar absorption-line spectroscopy, the Sunyaev Zel'dovich effects, fast radio bursts etc are maturing and are opening new windows in the cosmic baryons. Meanwhile, hydrodynamical simulations are improving in both resolution and volume, allowing new insights into the baryonic cycle. 

The goal of this meeting at the Kavli Institute for the Physics and Mathematics of the Universe (IPMU) is to bring together a diverse group of researchers studying the cosmic baryon distribution and its various tracers, as well their implications for both galaxy evolution and cosmology. This will be an opportunity for researchers who may not usually encounter each other to interact with ample time for discussion.

Topics to be discussed include, but are not limited to:

  • Observational techniques probing cosmic baryons (X-ray, SZ, FRBs, and Quasar absorption lines etc)
  • Evolution of cosmic baryons in hydrodynamical simulations and observations
  • Impact of baryonic effects on cosmological analyses
  • Methods to ‘Baryonify’ N-body simulations
  • Future surveys to probe the cosmic baryons and evolution


This will be a primarily an in-person meeting at Kavli IPMU (Kashiwa, Japan), but we will stream the presentation videos through Zoom (registered users only) and talks will be uploaded to YouTube.

Confirmed Speakers: 

Daniele Sorini Raúl Angulo Marcel Van Daalen
Celine Peroux Dylan Nelson Claude-Andre Faucher-Giguere
Tilman Troster Emmanuel Schaan Nabila Aghanim
Clancy James Ilya Khrykin Joseph Burchett
Smita Mathur Nhut Truong

Eugene Churazov

Irina Zhuravleva Joseph Mohr Akos Bogdan
Fabrizio Nicastro Stefano Ettori Gabriele Ponti
Giovanni Arico Biwei Dai

Ben Oppenheimer

Ian McCarthy    


Scientific Organizing Committee (SOC):

Khee-Gan Lee (Kavli IPMU, Chair) Jia Liu (Kavli IPMU) Hideki Tanimura (Kavli IPMU)
Aurora Simionescu (SRON) Johan Comparat (MPE) Joop Schaye (Leiden)
Elisa Chisari (Utrecht) Xavier Prochaska (UCSC) Daisuke Nagai (Yale)

Local Organizing Committee (LOC): 

Khee-Gan Lee Katya Vovk Yuxin Huang
Joaquin Armijo Ben Horowitz Chenze Dong

Contact Email:

Kavli Institute for the Physics and Mathematics of the Universe (Kavli IPMU),
the University of Tokyo, 5-1-5 Kashiwa-no-ha, Kashiwa City, Chiba 277-8583, Japan


Pre-Registration and Abstract Submission for Baryons in the Universe 2024
  • Aarian Moore
  • Abhijeet Ghodgaonkar
  • Abhishek Rajak
  • Ajay Dev
  • Akanksha Kapahtia
  • Akio Inoue
  • Akos Bogdan
  • Aleksandra Kusiak
  • Alexander Beckett
  • Alexandra Amon
  • Alina Sabyr
  • Amanda Cook
  • Andrea Afruni
  • Andrea Merloni
  • Andrea Travascio
  • Ang Liu
  • Angela Chen
  • Anjali Gupta
  • Antonia Fernandez Figueroa
  • Antonio Pensabene
  • Arghyadeep Basu
  • Azeez Oluwagbenga Oseni
  • Benedetta Spina
  • Benjamin Horowitz
  • Benjamin Oppenheimer
  • Biwei Dai
  • Boryana Hadzhiyska
  • Bruna Lorrany de Castro Araujo
  • Calvin Leung
  • Celine Peroux
  • Cesar Hernandez Aguayo
  • Charles Walker
  • Chenze Dong
  • Chun-Hao To
  • Clancy James
  • Claude-Andre Faucher-Giguere
  • Congyao Zhang
  • Daisuke Nagai
  • Daniela Galárraga-Espinosa
  • Daniele Sorini
  • Daniele Spinoso
  • Dimitris Chatzigiannakis
  • Diwani Sapkota
  • Drummond Fielding
  • Dylan Nelson
  • Elisabeth Krause
  • Ellis Owen
  • Emmanuel Schaan
  • Erwin Lau
  • Eshita Banerjee
  • Eugene Churazov
  • Fabio Iocco
  • Fabrizio Nicastro
  • Farhanul Hasan
  • Florent Renaud
  • Francesco Sinigaglia
  • Francisco Villaescusa-Navarro
  • Gabriele Ponti
  • Georg Herzog
  • Giovanni Aricò
  • Giulio Fabbian
  • Grecco Oyarzun
  • Guochao Sun
  • Haoran Xu
  • Harrison Souchereau
  • Haruka Kusakabe
  • Hideki Tanimura
  • Hiroshi Naruse
  • Huijie Hu
  • Hy Trac
  • Hyunbae Park
  • I-Non Chiu
  • Ian McCarthy
  • Ilaria Marini
  • Ilya Khrykin
  • Ippei Obata
  • Irina Zhuravleva
  • Isabel Medlock
  • Ivan Kostyuk
  • J. Xavier Prochaska
  • Jaime Salcido
  • Jeger Broxterman
  • Jia Liu
  • Jiachuan Xu
  • Joanne Tan
  • Joaquin Hernandez
  • Joe Burchett
  • Joe Mohr
  • Joey Braspenning
  • johan comparat
  • John OʻMeara
  • Jonah Conley
  • Jonathan Freundlich
  • Jonathan Stern
  • Joop Schaye
  • Joscha Jahns-Schindler
  • Jozef Bucko
  • Junhan Kim
  • Kai Wang
  • Katrin Lehle
  • Ken Osato
  • Kentaro Nagamine
  • Khee-Gan Lee
  • Kristen Surrao
  • Laura Salvati
  • Leah Bigwood
  • Leander Thiele
  • lin zhu
  • Lydia Stofanova
  • Marcel van Daalen
  • Maria Emilia De Rossi
  • Marian Douspis
  • Marta Galbiati
  • Masahiro Takada
  • Masahito Yamazaki
  • Masanori Iye
  • Matthew Gebhardt
  • Max Lee
  • Megan Tillman
  • Meicun Hou
  • Michael Freyberg
  • Michael Rauch
  • Michael Yeung
  • Mingjie Sheng
  • Mingyu Li
  • Minh Nguyen
  • Nabila Aghanim
  • Naomi Gluck
  • Naomi Robertson
  • Naonori Sugiyama
  • Naonori Sugiyama
  • Nhut Truong
  • Nicola Locatelli
  • Nihar Dalal
  • Nikolina Sarcevic
  • Nissim Kanekar
  • Norbert Werner
  • Omar Darwish
  • Pablo Renard Guiral
  • Praneeth Avasarala
  • Premvijay Velmani
  • Qi Guo
  • Ramona Augustin
  • Roger de Belsunce
  • Roi Kugel
  • Rongkang Zhang
  • Ryo Terasawa
  • Ryuichi Takahashi
  • Sanskriti Das
  • Sayak Dutta
  • Sebastian Grandis
  • Selim Hotinli
  • Seok-Jun Chang
  • Seunghwan Lim
  • Shuo Yuan
  • Simone Ferraro
  • Sindhu Satyavolu
  • Siyi Zhao
  • Smita Mathur
  • Song Huang
  • Soumya Shreeram
  • Stefano Ettori
  • Stefano Gallo
  • Stephan Vladutescu-Zopp
  • Sukanya Mallik
  • Sukanya Mallik
  • Sung Han Tsai
  • Sunil Simha
  • Susumu Inoue
  • Takanori Taniguchi
  • Tassia Ferreira
  • Thomas Berlok
  • Théo Lebeau
  • Tianyi Yang
  • Tilman Troester
  • Ting-An Wu
  • Titouan Lazeyras
  • Tomáš Šoltinský
  • Toni Tuominen
  • Toshiya Namikawa
  • Tzu-Yin Hsu
  • Upasana Das
  • Urmila Chadayammuri
  • Victoria Toptun
  • Xiaoyuan Zhang
  • Xingyao Cai
  • Xuantao Zhang
  • Yanling Chen
  • Yi Zhang
  • Yi-Kuan Chiang
  • Yin Li
  • Yongming Liang
  • Yu-Ling Chang
  • Yuanyuan Zhao
  • Yuchen Ding
  • Yue Nan
  • Yuto Ichinohe
  • Yuxin Huang
  • Yuxin Huang
  • Zhao Zhang
  • Zheng Cai
  • Zhixing Li
  • Zhiyuan Li
  • Zhongli Zhang
  • Zhuowen Zhang
  • Ziang Yan
  • Ziyang Chen
  • Zongnan Li
  • Zou Siwei
Conference organizers