8-12 December, 2025
Microlensing search for primordial black holes (PBH)
Astronomical observations of supermassive black holes.
WIMPs and black holes.
Axions and black holes
Formation of PBHs.
Interactions of PBHs with compact stars as means for their detection
Invited speaker list (as of XXX.XX.XX):
Shigeki Matsumoto - Kavli IPMU
Masahiro Takada - Kavli IPMU
The on-site workshop will take place at the Lecture Hall of Kavli IPMU, The University of Tokyo, Kashiwa Campus (5-1-5, Kashiwanoha, Kashiwa-shi, Chiba, 277-8584, Japan).
This symposium will be held in a hybrid format. Details will be announced soon.
Due to operational constraints, we limit remote presentations to invited speakers only.
This workshop is supported in part by: