3-7 December 2018
Kavli IPMU
Asia/Tokyo timezone

Indentification of low-mass accreted galaxies with metal-poor stars

7 Dec 2018, 12:40
Lecture Hall (Kavli IPMU)

Lecture Hall

Kavli IPMU

5-1-5 Kashiwanoha, Kashiwa-shi, Chiba 227-8583
Dwarf galaxies & Galactic chemical evolution Dwarf Galaxies


Tadafumi Matsuno (SOKENDAI)


The Galactic halo is expected to contain signatures of past galaxy accretions. In fact, the kinematics of halo stars in the Gaia DR2 clearly shows the presence of a massive accreted galaxy. We search for signatures of other less-massive galaxies through the combination of chemical abundances and kinematics of metal-poor stars by using the data from the SAGA database, LAMOST DR4, and APOGEE. From the LAMOST DR4, we first show that the distribution of metal-poor stars in the phase space dramatically changes as a function of metallicity, indicating the occurrence of multiple accretions of galaxies with different metallicity. Abundance ratios of individual elements from the SAGA database demonstrate that the over-density of stars on extreme retrograde orbits, which is only seen at low-metallicity, is caused by an accretion of less-massive dwarf galaxy; they form a distinct low-$\alpha$ elements sequence in the abundance space. Finally, we present results of a trial to identify this population in APOGEE through a statistical approach that combines stellar kinematics and chemical abundances and discuss future prospects to identify relatively low-mass accreted galaxies.



Talk/Poster Talk

Primary author

Tadafumi Matsuno (SOKENDAI)

Presentation Materials