17–21 Jul 2018
Lecture Hall(1F), Kavli IPMU
Asia/Tokyo timezone


"C_2-cofinite VOAs from BRST reduction" by Takahiro Nishinaka (Ritsumeikan Univ.)

20 Jul 2018, 09:30
Lecture Hall(1F), Kavli IPMU

Lecture Hall(1F), Kavli IPMU


I will talk about an infinite series of conjecturally C_2-cofinite conformal VOAs with negative central charge, which are obtained by a BRST reduction of the tensor product of simple affine vertex algebras. The simplest example in the series is conjectured to be isomorphic to one of the doublet algebras studied by B. Feigin, E. Feigin and I. Tipunin. I will also give a conjectural formula for their characters. All these conjectures arise from the study of Argyres-Douglas theories in physics.

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