21–22 Jun 2013
Asia/Tokyo timezone

An application of the neutrino oscillation to geophysics : Study of the Earth's core composition using atmospheric neutrino

21 Jun 2013, 13:40


Dr Akimichi Taketa (Earthquake Research Institute)


Neutrino oscillations inside matter are sensitive to the electron density. On the other hand, neutrino absorption is sensitive to the mass density. The mass density distribution of the Earth's core is also inferred from seismic tomography. Therefore, neutrino oscillation can be used for a probe to determine the average atomic mass ratio A/Z of the Earth's core by comparing with the mass density. The outer core composition is believed to consist of 90% iron and 10% light material, but it has not been measured yet. With the advent of the new-generation neutrino detector like Hyper-K, neutrino oscillation spectrometry will allow us to constrain directly the composition of the Earth’s outer core.

Primary author

Dr Akimichi Taketa (Earthquake Research Institute)


Dr Carsten Rott (Sungkyunkwan University) Prof. Hiroyuki Tanaka (Earthquake Research Institute)

Presentation materials