Shoei Nakayama
(Kamioka Observatory, ICRR, The University of Tokyo)
22/06/2013, 09:00
I will present a brief introduction of current activities in the photodetector sub-WG and the plan for the photodetector development.
(ICRR, University of Tokyo)
22/06/2013, 09:10
A proof test of 8-inch HPDs and 20-inch high-QE PMTs using a 200-ton tank starts from this summer at Kamioka mine. These preparation status and a recent R&D of photosensors will be presented.
Seiko Hirota
(Kyoto Univ.)
22/06/2013, 09:30
We prepared ten 8-inch HPDs and eight high-QE 20-inch PMTs and a part
of them will be installed in a 200-ton tank for a proof-test from this
summer. For the installation, a gain adjustment finished and these
performance was evaluated to select the photodetectors into the tank.
Fabrice Retiere
22/06/2013, 09:45
The baseline Hyper-K concept relies on 99,000 20” photomultiplier tubes (PMTs) to provide 20% photo-coverage. We are investigating solutions that would enhance the photo-coverage without compromising either contrast or timing resolution. Contrast roughly quantifies the fraction of photons detected that retain the Cerenkov light directional information over the total number of photons detected...
Motoyasu Ikeda
(Kyoto University)
22/06/2013, 10:05
In the current beseline design, the photo-coverage of the HK inner tank is 20%. For the low energy neutrino measurement (for example, a precise measurement of the solar neutrino spectrum or a measurement of the day-night asymmetry of the solar neutrino flux), higher photo-coverage is desirable. This R&D is to enlarge the effective photo-coverage using light collection system. I will show the...
(Iowa State University)
22/06/2013, 10:45
The next generation of neutrino experiments will require massive and high resolution detectors to reach the sensitivity needed to measure CP violation in the lepton sector and the neutrino mass hierarchy.
New photodetectors based on micro-channel plates are being developed by the Large-Area Picosecond Photo Detector (LAPPD) Collaboration. These photosensors have shown potential for excellent...