Sergey Ketov
(Tokyo Metropolitan U./Kavli IPMU)
03/12/2013, 16:00
It is argued that the recent PLANCK data about the CMB favors some particular inflationary models, such as the Starobinsky inflation and the Higgs inflation. It is, therefore, important to reconsider the embedding of the Starobinsky inflation into supergravity and string theory, towards expanding the current phenomenological status of the Starobinsky inflation to a fundamental theory of...
Keisuke Harigaya
(Kavli IPMU)
03/12/2013, 16:25
In supersymmetric theories, the R symmetry plays a unique role in suppressing a constant term in the superpotential. In single chiral field models of spontaneous breaking of a discrete R symmetry, an R-breaking field is a good candidate for an inflaton in new inflation models. We show that the model predicts a lower limit on the gravitino mass, 100 TeV. This lower limit is consistent with the...
Takehiko Asaka
(Niigata U.)
03/12/2013, 16:50
We consider the Standard Model extended by two quasi-degenerate right-handed
neutrinos. In particular, we consider the case when they are lighter than charged kaon.
This simple framework can account for the neutrino oscillations and the baryon
asymmetry of the universe at the same time. In this talk we shall summarize the
possible constraints on such right-handed neutrinos from direct...
Kenichi Sugai
(Saitama U.)
03/12/2013, 17:15
We explore the coannihilation region of the constrained
minimal supersymmetric standard model (CMSSM) being consistent
with current experimental/observational results.
The requirements from the experimental/observational results are
the 125GeV Higgs mass and the relic abundances of both the dark
matter and light elements, especially the lithium-7.
We put these requirements on the calculated...