17–21 Jul 2018
Lecture Hall(1F), Kavli IPMU
Asia/Tokyo timezone

"Vertex algebras associated with hypertoric varieties" by Toshiro Kuwabara (Tsukuba U)

Not scheduled
Lecture Hall(1F), Kavli IPMU

Lecture Hall(1F), Kavli IPMU


Hypertoric varieties are known as an example of conical symplectic singularities and their resolutions. Using BRST reduction, we construct a sheaf of (h-adic) vertex algebras over a family of Poisson deformations of a hypertoric variety. A conformal vector is constructed explicitly, and we obtain a vertex operator algebra as a vertex algebra of global sections.
As certain special cases, the construction gives localization of affine W-algebras of subregular type A of level -N+1, and one of simple affine VOA of type A of level -1.

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