6:00 PM
Gain Stability Evaluation of 50 cm Diameter Photomultiplier Tubes for Hyper-Kamiokande with Optimizing the Voltage Ratio
Toshiki Mochizuki
6:02 PM
The Calibration and Evaluation of 140 20-inch Box and Line Photomultiplier Tubes Designed for Hyper-Kamiokande
Junjie Xia
(Institute for Cosmic Ray Research, The Univ. of Tokyo)
6:06 PM
Measurements of low-energy X-rays with a detector using a plastic scintillator and an MPPC
Shunji Kishimoto
6:08 PM
MaPMT relative efficiency measurements for the LHCb RICH upgrade
Ayan Batyrkhanov
(Nazarbayev University)
6:10 PM
Characterization of cryogenic SiPM down to 6.5 K
Ryoto Iwai
(ETH Zurich)
Ryoto Iwai
(ETH Zurich)
6:12 PM
Impact of proton irradiation on SiPM dark current for high-energy space instruments
6:14 PM
A Glass Study to Reduce Backgrounds of the Hyper-Kamiokande Photodetectors
Kodai Okamoto
6:16 PM
The Performance Evaluation and Optimization of the Light Concentrator for the Hyper-Kamiokande Photodetector
Mai Tsukada
(Nagoya Univercity)
6:18 PM
Silicon Photo Multiplier Design Using Silicon on Insulator Technology
Akihiro Koyama
(The University of Tokyo)
6:20 PM
MCP based detectors, calibration, acceptance tests and first photon radiation measurements.
Alexander Grebentsov
6:22 PM
Study of Silicon drift sensor for Gamam-ray Compton Camera
Fumiya Imazato
(Hiroshima university)
6:24 PM
Scintillator hodoscope with a few millimeter position resolution for cosmic-ray test stand
Linghui Liu
(The University of Tokyo)
6:26 PM
Fast calorimeter on the pure CsI crystals for the modern e+ e- Super Factories
Denis Epifanov
(Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics)
Denis Epifanov
(Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics)
6:28 PM
A comparitive study on various methods for SiPM gain calibration
Atsushi Oya
(ICEPP, University of Tokyo)
6:30 PM
Front-end circuits for MPPCs for the KOTO CsI calorimeter upgrade
Nobuhiro Hara
(Osaka Univ.)
6:32 PM
Performance Test of New-type MPPC
Takahiro Odagawa
(Kyoto University)
6:34 PM
Performance test of optical interface for super-FGD in the T2K experiment
Soichiro Kuribayashi
(Kyoto University)
6:36 PM
Study on Granularity Optimization for ILD Hadron Calorimeter
Naoki Tsuji
(The University of Tokyo)
6:38 PM
Performance evaluation of HAPDs in the Belle II Aerogel RICH counter
Masanobu Yonenaga
(Tokyo Metropolitan University)
6:40 PM
Proposal of Silicon on Insulator Reach-through APDs for soft X-ray imaging optimized by TCAD simulation
Ryutaro Hamasaki
(Department of Particle and Nuclear Physics, School of High Energy Accelerator science, SOKENDAI)
6:42 PM
SiPM based Neutron monitors for CMS experiment
Elena Popova
6:44 PM
Design and performance of MPPC-array readout system for the WAGASCI neutrino detector
Kohei Matsushita
(University of Tokyo)
6:46 PM
Fast APD detector with a short tail in the timing response for an experiment using synchrotron radiation X-ray beam
Takahiko Masuda
(Okayama University)