Tilman Plehn
(U. Heidelberg)
After only two years of running the ATLAS and CMS experiments have
delivered on the main task of the LHC program: the discovery of a
Higgs boson arising from the spontaneous breaking of the electroweak
symmetry, as proposed almost 50 years ago. I will introduce the Higgs
mechanism and illustrate its role in the Standard Model of particle
physics and discuss what constitutes the `discovery'. Since July 4th
2012 the LHC experiments have studied many facets of this new
particle, leading CERN to move from the official categorization as
`Higgs-like particle' to `Standard-Model-like Higgs particle'. I will
discuss which tests and measurements are in the focus of such studies,
what the impact of theoretical physics is, and what theorists expect
from the LHC once it starts up again with almost twice its previous