21–22 Jun 2013
Asia/Tokyo timezone

Systematic uncertainties in long-baseline neutrino oscillation experiments

21 Jun 2013, 11:00


Dr Szymon Manecki (VirginiaTech)


The CP violating effect in the $\nu_\mu\rightarrow \nu_e$ oscillation probability is suppressed with respect to the CP-conserving contribution. Therefore, systematic uncertainties affecting the signal at long baseline oscillation experiments are extremely relevant for the CP violation searches. We will present a phenomenological analysis showing the possible impact that systematic errors may have on long baseline experiments such as T2HK, and comment on which of these uncertainties are expected to have the greatest effect.

Primary author

Dr Pilar Coloma (VirginiaTech)


Dr Szymon Manecki (VirginiaTech)

Presentation materials