17 July 2020 to 14 August 2020
Kavli IPMU, Kashiwa, Japan
Asia/Tokyo timezone

8/ 7 [Miles Reid] Trihedral groups: old and new ideas and methods, (with many problems still to solve)

Not scheduled
Online with registration before Aug.7.

Online with registration before Aug.7.



Section 1. What groups are we talking about? G = A x) T with A diag in SL(3) and T the 3-cycle (x,y,z)
Section 2. Affine pieces of G-Hilb corr. to combinatorics (a) Leng partitions (b) trihedral boats
Section 3. (a) and (b) by computer algebra: Running my Magma code is a fun, easy do-it-yourself game:
follow the instructions on https:/homepages.warwick.ac.uk/~masda/McKay/tri
Section 4. Compute some affine pieces in the baby case A = V4 = mu2 + mu2 by generators and relations
(or as quiver moduli, somewhat implicitly).
My title says ideas, methods and open problems, not results or theorems.

Presentation Materials