The theme 'nicecompact' does not exist.

Dates: January 10-14,  2022 (JST)

Venue: Online event


The matter-antimatter asymmetry is one of the fundamental mysteries motivating research of physics beyond the Standard Model. Research in this area literately attempts to answer the question of why are we here. Unfortunately, the most elegant explanations frequently involve physics many orders of magnitude above the weak scale. There has been much recent progress on how to test these ideas.  Furthermore, the advent of gravitational waves astronomy opens a new observational window on the origin of matter in the universe. 

Given the fundamental nature of this problem and the ``out of the box'' thinking required to tackle it, we will dedicate a focus week in early January with a minimum number of talks to allow room for discussion and brainstorming. The talks that are given will summarize recent progress in the two main paradigms (Leptogenesis and Affleck Dine) and summarize other high scale paradigms with an emphasis on how to test them.


Confirmed speakers

Dr Iason Baldes
Dr Pasquale Di Bari
Dr Neil Barrie
Dr Raymond Co
Prof Yanou Cui
Dr Valerie Domcke
Dr David Dunsky
Dr Marcos M. Flores
Dr Julia Harz
Dr Renata Kallosh
Prof Masahiro Kawasaki
Prof Kaz Kohri
Dr David Marsh
Dr Nobuchika Okada
Dr Silvia Pascoli
Dr Lauren Pearce
Prof Serguey Petcov
Prof Michael Ramsey-Musolf
Prof Misao Sasaki
Dr Geraldine Servant
Dr Jessica Turner
Dr Isaac Wang
Prof Masaki Yamada




Graham White
Alex Kusenko
Hitoshi Murayama


Diversity Coordinator:  Hitoshi Murayama

Kavli Institute for the Physics and Mathematics of the Universe (Kavli IPMU),
the University of Tokyo, 5-1-5 Kashiwa-no-ha, Kashiwa City, Chiba 277-8583, Japan



Registration for this event is currently open.