Feb 13 – 18, 2023
Kavli Institute for Physics and Mathematics of the Universe, University of Tokyo (Kashiwa Campus)
Asia/Tokyo timezone

Integrals of Meromorphic Jacobi Forms and Mock/False Modular Forms at Higher Depth (Caner Nazaroglu)

Feb 17, 2023, 9:30 AM
1h 30m
Main Lecture Hall (Kavli Institute for Physics and Mathematics of the Universe, University of Tokyo (Kashiwa Campus))

Main Lecture Hall

Kavli Institute for Physics and Mathematics of the Universe, University of Tokyo (Kashiwa Campus)

Kashiwanoha 5-1-5, Kashiwa, Chiba 277-8583, Japan


Integrals involving meromorphic Jacobi forms appear in physical applications such as black hole counting, N=2 Schur indices, and elliptic genera of 2D CFT’s with non-compact target space. In this talk, I will review a number of such applications and describe how they can lead to mock and false modular forms at higher depth. Next, I will describe joint work with Bringmann, Kaszian, and Milas that gives a methodical exploration into modular properties of false theta functions based on concepts developed for higher depth mock modular forms. I will then give examples on how such generalized modular properties can be used to obtain Rademacher type exact formulae for the Fourier coefficients of (higher depth) false/mock modular forms. Finally, I will explain how the modular framework generalizes to a certain subclass of theta functions that are both indefinite and false using Zwegers’ mock Maass theta functions and comment on further interrelations and developments (based on joint work with Bringmann).

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