4:00 PM
1. The structure groups of a 4-manifold bundle and its relation to the vector bundle which consists of self-dual harmonic 2-forms
Mitsuyoshi Adachi
4:01 PM
2. Characterization of Microplastics by Raman Flow Particle Analyzer
Jun Akita
4:02 PM
3. Continuous-variable quantum approximate optimization algorithm for quadratic function
Keitaro Anai
4:03 PM
4. Index Theorem and Heat Kernel (仮)
Temma Aoyama
4:04 PM
5. semiclassical analysis(仮)
Shinichi Arita
4:05 PM
6. Electromagnetic "Charge Beads" from Dark Matter
Akifumi Chitose
4:06 PM
7. Hall effect of triplon in quantum spin dimer materials
Nanse Esaki
4:07 PM
8. Magnon spin shift current in collinear antiferromagnets
Kosuke Fujiwara
4:08 PM
9. Development of a Radio Frequency Dipole Mass Filter for the Francium Permanent Electric Dipole Moment Search
Mirai Fukase
4:09 PM
10. Electronic states of Bi(111) surface studied by time-, spin- and angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy
Yuto Fukushima
4:10 PM
11. Oscillation properties of microcrack-bearing α-quartz derived from molecular dynamics simulations
Ikuchi Funahashi
4:11 PM
12. Quantum sensor in two dimensional van der Waals material
Hao Gu
4:12 PM
13. Analyzing the Atmosphere of Exoplanets in Neptune Desert
Ziying Gu
4:13 PM
14. Analysis of the gravity wave on Venusian atmosphere revealed by LIR on board AKATSUKI (仮)
Zhuan Guo
4:14 PM
15. Intoduction to Geometric Neural Networks
Yoshihiro Gyotoku
4:15 PM
16. KK-theory through localization algebras
Ayoub Hafid
4:16 PM
17. synthesis and characterization of novel optoelectronic materials based on COPV structure
Xiu Han
4:17 PM
18. Subaru PFS: Analysis for 2D PSF modeling
Kota Hayashi
4:18 PM
Muzi Hong
4:19 PM
20. Topos: the unexpected bridge between Logic and Geometry
Ryuya Hora
4:20 PM
21. Label-free Microscopy for Imaging Live Cells
Kohki Horie
4:21 PM
22. Equivariant covering spaces of quantum homogeneous spaces
Mao Hoshino
4:22 PM
23. Research on Low-Loss High-Repetition-Rate Optical Switch with Quantum Teleportation
Ryuhoh Ide
4:23 PM
24. Design method of a broadband planar magic-T: a 6-14GHz scaled model for mm/submm camera
Shuhei Inoue
4:24 PM
25. A combinatorial structure of Gelfand-Tsetlin patterns and a natural sijection between monotone triangles and shifted Gelfand-Tsetlin patterns
Takuya Inoue
4:25 PM
26. Development of a fine pixel semiconductor X-ray polarimeter
Toshiya Iwata
4:26 PM
27. R² inflation with the baryogenesis scenario
Hyun Jeong
4:27 PM
28. Simulation of planetesimal accretion with realistic gas disc evolution
Yuki Kambara
4:28 PM
29. The bigraded Rumin complex and Lee conjecture
Shuhou Kanda
4:29 PM
30. Sommerfeld effect
Kiri Karayama
4:30 PM
31. Lane-Emden equation with supercritical nonlinearity
Sho Katayama
4:31 PM
32. Indirect detection of Dark Matter with radio observation
Chikara Kawai
4:32 PM
33. Replica method and Rényi entropies
Kotaro Kawasumi
4:33 PM
34. Kitaev nanoribbon with boundary dephasing
Shunta Kitahama
4:34 PM
35. The relation between morphology of Euglena gracilis and their removal efficiency of heavy metals
Tsubasa Kobayashi
4:35 PM
36. Target-oriented design of helical nanotube molecules for rolled incommensurate bilayers
Yuki Kotani
4:36 PM
37. Yang-Lee Singularity in BCS Superconductivity
Hongchao Li
4:37 PM
38. Cavity Moiré Materials: controlling correlated phases of matter with quantum light-matter couplings
Kanta Masuki
4:38 PM
39. Primordial Helium Abundance Probed by Subaru Spectroscopy: A Test of the Cosmological Model
Akinori Matsumoto
4:39 PM
40. Calibration and Timing Resolution Evaluation of Liquid Xenon Gamma Ray Detector in MEG II Experiment
Ayaka Matsushita
4:40 PM
41. Shaping microwave photons with frequency tunability using a fixed-frequency superconducting qubit
Takeaki Miyamura
4:41 PM
42. Next Generation Biosensors Enabled by High-speed Visualization of Dynamic Mechanisms
Ikumi Miyazaki
4:42 PM
43. Variational approach to Kondo effect in cavty QED
Jun Mochida
4:43 PM
44. Evaluation systems for the development of biosensors to measure force on cells
Tomoya Mukai
4:44 PM
45. Towards the application of thermodynamic trade-off relations to reaction-diffusion systems
Ryuna Nagayama
4:45 PM
46. Graphical Approach for Characterization of Non-Gaussian Quantum Process
Hironari Nagayoshi
4:46 PM
47. New mysterious signal from the dawn of our universe ~a study of its precise calculation ~
Fumihiro Naokawa
4:47 PM
48. Quantitative magnetic imaging of superconducting quantum vortex using solid-state quantum spin sensor
Shunsuke Nishimura
4:48 PM
49. Boltzmann equation in two-dimensional electron system with spin-orbit coupling
Naoki Nishimura
4:49 PM
50. Broadband quantum memory with a concatenated optical cavity
Takefumi Nomura
4:50 PM
51. Universal relations on nonequilibrium entropy in classical fluctuating systems
Naruo Ohga
4:51 PM
52. Axion detection via superfluid 3He using quantum technologies
Risshin Okabe
4:52 PM
53. On 2d Rational CFTs
Masaki Okada
4:53 PM
54. Direct mesurement of the 26Si(a,p)29P reaction for the nucleosynthesis in the X-ray bursts
Kodai Okawa
4:54 PM
55. Orbital order in a strongly correlated electron systems
Satoshi Omura
4:55 PM
56. Waveform inversion for the 3D S-wave velocity structure in D″ beneath the Southern Atlantic
Keisuke Otsuru
4:56 PM
57. Automorphisms of Calabi-Yau manifolds
Renji Sakamoto
4:57 PM
58. Label-free observation of dynamics of small particles by interferometric scattering microscopy
Masato Sawa
4:58 PM
59. Quantitative analysis of Akt isoforms’ temporal dynamics and downstream regulation with mathematical model-aided optogenetics
Yuka Sekine
4:59 PM
60. Study on first-level trigger of the Belle II experiment using upgraded silicon strip detector
Tomoyuki Shimasaki
5:00 PM
61. Fundamental equations for open quantum many-body systems
Koki Shiraishi
5:01 PM
62. Search for black holes by the TESS survey of light variation
Yuta Shiraishi
5:02 PM
63. Monte Carlo Methods and Physics
Sora Shiratani
5:03 PM
64. Development for Axion Search using Quantum Non-Demolition Detection of Magnons
Yaman Singh Shrestha
5:04 PM
65. Chern Simons theory and Quantum Hall Effect
Hiroyuki Sudo
5:05 PM
66. Simultaneous laser stabilization by optical frequency comb for Sr optical lattice clocks
Kai Suekane
5:06 PM
67. Thermoelectric properties in semimetals with inelastic electron-hole scattering
Keigo Takahashi
5:07 PM
68. Grand Unified Theory and Proton Decay
Hiroki Takahashi
5:08 PM
69. Evaluation of superconducting nano strip photon-number-resolving detectors with additional coils
Kazuma Takahashi
5:09 PM
70. Mining for the Protoclusters at z〜4 from HSC-SSP photometric dataset with Deep Learning
Yoshihiro Takeda
5:10 PM
71. Continuous cooling and extraction of ultracold strontium atoms by a moving lattice
Ryoto Takeuchi
5:11 PM
72. Programmable generation of optical quantum states with two waveguide optical parametric amplifiers
Hiroko Tomoda
5:12 PM
73. Search for dust-obscured supermassive black holes in the early universe
Akiyoshi Tsujita
5:13 PM
74. Cosmic Reionization History and Sources Probed by Imaging and Spectroscopywith the Subaru Telescope
Hiroya Umeda
5:14 PM
75. Developing a high-resolution Doppler broadening spectroscopy for cold positronium
Ryosuke Uozumi
5:15 PM
76. Intelligent Disease Classification Based on Platelet Imaging System
Huidong Wang
5:16 PM
77. Conformal field theories and error correcting codes
Shinichiro Yahagi
5:17 PM
78. Quantum algorithm for collisionless Boltzmann simulation
Soichiro Yamazaki
5:18 PM
79. Penalized estimation for non-identifiable models
Junichiro Yoshida
5:19 PM
80. Floquet Many-body Theory of the Driven BCS Superconductors and its Application to High Harmonic Generations
Huanyu Zhang
5:20 PM
Yaqi Zhao