September 30, 2024 to October 4, 2024
Asia/Tokyo timezone

Dates: September 30 -- October 4, 2024

Venue:  Kavli IPMU Lecture Hall, Kashiwa campus, UTokyo (co-hosted by Kavli IPMU and ISSP)


The focus of the workshop is the non-equilibrium dynamics of quantum systems. While the study of dynamics of quantum systems has often been regarded as difficult, we have seen impressive progress in recent years, both in theoretical and experimental aspects, e.g. non-Hermitian systems; breaking of ETH; applications of generalized concepts of symmetries; applications of holographic techniques to quantum dynamics; technological breakthroughs in quantum devices. In this workshop, we will try to engage with different communities inside Japan, in addition to inviting worldwide experts from abroad.

Invited speakers: 

Masayuki Hashisaka (ISSP)
Yunfeng Jiang (Yau Center, Southeast U.)
Gyu-Boong Jo (HKUST)
Kohei Kawabata (ISSP)
Jong Yeon Lee (UIUC)
Chihiro Matsui (UTokyo)
Pratik Nandy (RIKEN and YITP)
Takashi Oka (ISSP)
Silvia Pappalardi (U. Köln)
Pedram Roushan (Google)
Kareljan Schoutens (U. Amsterdam)
Krishnendu Sengupta (IACS)
Hal Tasaki (Gakushuin U.)
Takafumi Tomita (IMS)
Frank Verstraete (Cambridge and Ghent)
Derek S. Wang (IBM)

Organizing Committee Members :

Hosho Katsura (UTokyo physics)
Yuan Miao (IPMU)
Masaki Oshikawa (ISSP)
Masahito Yamazaki (IPMU)

Note: We plan not to use zoom platform for the talks, and all the talks will be in person. 

Deadlines: If you would like to present a poster (and/or get the travel support), the deadline for the registration of the poster session is **August 20, 2024**. The deadline for the registration of the conference is **September 20, 2024**.

Kavli Institute for the Physics and Mathematics of the Universe (Kavli IPMU),
the University of Tokyo, 5-1-5 Kashiwa-no-ha, Kashiwa City, Chiba 277-8583, Japan

Funding: This conference is supported by Kavli IPMU, ISSP and JST PRESTO Grant No. JPMJPR225A. 

