30 September 2024 to 4 October 2024
Asia/Tokyo timezone

What is thermal equilibrium and how do we get there?

30 Sept 2024, 11:00


Hal Tasaki (Gakushuin University)


We present a simple, rigorous example (which is essentially a free fermion chain) of an isolated macroscopic (but finite) quantum system that exhibits thermalization (in a phenomenological sense) from any pure initial state in the microcanonical energy shell. The essential ingredients of the proof are the large-deviation type strong ETH (energy eigenstate thermalization hypothesis) bound and the absence of degeneracy in the energy spectrum. As far as we know, this is the first concrete realization of the philosophy on the foundation of equilibrium statistical mechanics proposed by von Neumann in 1929.

Primary author

Hal Tasaki (Gakushuin University)

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