27-29 November 2018
Asia/Tokyo timezone

Gain Stability Evaluation of 50 cm Diameter Photomultiplier Tubes for Hyper-Kamiokande with Optimizing the Voltage Ratio

27 Nov 2018, 18:00


Toshiki Mochizuki (ICRR)


Hyper-Kamiokande (HK), scheduled to start construction in 2020, will be
the next generation water Cerenkov experiment in Japan. 50 cm Diameter Box
& Line Photomultiplier Tubes (R12860 made by Hamamatsu) were evaluated.
The dynamic range of the output was improved by optimizing the voltage
dividing ratio between dynodes. The linearity and rate tolerance of the
gain were also evaluated.

Primary authors

Junjie Xia (ICRR, The University of Tokyo) Masato SHIOZAWA (Kamioka Observatory, ICRR, Univ. of Tokyo) Takatomi Yano (Kobe Univ.) Toshiki Mochizuki (ICRR) Yasuhiro NISHIMURA (ICRR)

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