27-29 November 2018
Asia/Tokyo timezone

SiPM based Neutron monitors for CMS experiment

27 Nov 2018, 18:00


Dr Elena Popova (NRNU MEPhI)


Monitoring of neutron radiation field is an important task for the CMS
experiment at CERN.

neutron background affects electronics situated in the experimental
cavern inducing single event effect (SEU, SEL etc).

In addition, neutron flux is a main source of the background for the
muon chambers, so it affects both performance and longevity of the

especially for high luminosity operation.

The existing shielding of the beam pipe may have some imperfections due
to mechanical constrains and necessity of the maintenance of beam pipe

itself and associated equipment.

So we need a distributed system of neutron monitors around the shielding
and in proximity of the detector/electronics components.

The neutron monitors detectors should be insensitive to fringe magnetic
field (up to 1000Gs) and should effectively discriminate neutrons from
ionizing radiation.

SiPM based detector could be considered as good candidate for monitoring
of CMS neutron background. Several types of SiPMs coupled to neutron
sensitive scintillators were

deveoped, produced, calibrated and tested in CMS cavern at several
levels of luminosity. Experimental results are presented and discussed.

Primary author

Dr Elena Popova (NRNU MEPhI)


Mr Alexander Kaminskiy (Lomonosov MSU) Dr Andrei Gribushin (Lomonosov MSU) Ms Oksana Bychkova (NRNU MEPhI) Mr Dmitry Philippov (NRNU MEPhI)

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