27-29 November 2018
Asia/Tokyo timezone

MPPCs in highly granular calorimetry - from ILC to LHC and beyond

27 Nov 2018, 14:35


Dr Felix Sefkow (DESY, Hamburg, Germany)


Following a first successful demonstration of the use of MPPCs in scintillator-based
calorimeters, the CALICE collaboration has developed over the last years a concept
scalable to large collider detectors with millions of channels, thanks to embedded
read-out electronics layers including surface-mounted MPPCs. A prototype with
22000 channels has been constructed and was tested in hadrons beams this summer.
Based on a very similar integration concept, the CMS collaboration plans to use this
technology for their upgrade of their endcap calorimeter for the high-luminosity
phase of the LHC, which brings additional challenges in terms of radiation hardness,
speed and thermal coupling. The talk will present the CALICE prototype layout and
some first impressions from test beam data, and discuss the extension of application
range to irradiated hadron collider environments.

Primary author

Dr Felix Sefkow (DESY, Hamburg, Germany)

Presentation Materials