Balloon-borne instruments have long played an important role in CMB observation. Their unique vantage point provides a nearly unobstructed view of the sky at millimeter wavelengths, largely free of the atmospheric fluctuations and absorption that constrain terrestrial observations. By deploying modern instruments to a space-like environment, they also provide a critical technological proving...
Small-aperture ground-based telescopes are a well-demonstrated method for achieving high sensitivity to degree-scale CMB polarization. Current and future experiments including BICEP Array, Simons Observatory, and CMB-S4 will all use similar designs in their effort to detect primordial
gravitational waves. I will review the experience gained from the long-running BICEP/Keck program at the South...
I will present a review of LiteBIRD systematics. LiteBIRD aims for measuring the tensor-to-scalar ratio, r, with an accuracy less than 0.001. Given the current sensitivity of the observation devices, the systematic effects yield the dominant contribution in the error of r. I will present an overview of the possible systematic sources, and the procedure to evaluate the effects and to give...