Sep 27 – 29, 2021
Asia/Tokyo timezone

DMRadio: Searching for Axion Dark Matter Below 1 ueV

Sep 29, 2021, 2:25 PM




Jonathan Ouellet


The particle nature of Dark Matter (DM) is one of the most important open questions in particle physics today. Axions, and axion like particles (ALPs), more generally, have emerged as one of the leading candidates to to explain the DM abundance of the universe. Experimental searches for axion DM (aDM) have traditionally searched in a narrow mass band between 1~100 ueV using microwave cavity detectors. However, recent work has demonstrated a powerful new approach to search for aDM with mass <1ueV using a lumped element detector. DMRadio is a multiphase program to search for aDM with mass below 1 ueV. The first stage, DMRadio-50L is a toroidal detector with a 0.1-1 T magnetic field that will be able to probe aDM over the range 20 peV< $m_a$ <20 neV down to $g_{a\gamma\gamma}\sim5×10^{-15}$ GeV$^{-1}$. The second stage, DMRadio-m3, will have a ~4 T field and will be sensitive to aDM in the QCD axion band from 20 neV<$m_a$<0.8ueV. In this talk, I will give an overview of the DMRadio program, design considerations, and challenges.

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