Sep 27 – 29, 2021
Asia/Tokyo timezone


Instructions for speakers

For invited talks, 40 minutes (including 10 minutes discussion) is allocated.
For contributing talks, 15-25 minutes (including 5 minutes discussion) is allocated.

All the speakers are encouraged to upload your slides to your Slack channel to aid further discussions.
The slides will be uploaded to the workshop webpage by the organizers later and will be publicly available.

The talks will be recorded (if the speaker agreed to) and will be shared among registrants.


Zoom instructions

We will use Zoom for the workshop.
We suggest you to download the most updated Zoom client.
The Zoom link is as follows (the link with the password will be announced via email/slack to the registrants).

We have also created breakout rooms for this Zoom room. Feel free to use these breakout rooms for continuing the discussions in parallel to the main session.


Slack instructions

The following Slack workspace is created for discussions and workshop announcements.

An invitation link was sent to the registrants, where you can create your account for the Slack workspace.

You can create a Zoom room via Slack by "/zoom" command. Feel free to create rooms for further discussions!