Masashi Yokoyama
(University of Tokyo)
22/08/2012, 13:55
I will review the physics potential of a long baseline experiment using J-PARC neutrino beam and Hyper-K, and proton decay search in Hyper-K.
Shoei Nakayama
(Kamioka Observatory, ICRR, University of Tokyo)
22/08/2012, 14:25
Discuss about important systematic errors for the CPV measurement
Mark Hartz
(University of Toronto/York University)
22/08/2012, 14:40
The Hyper-K letter of intent discusses the physics potential to measure delta_cp by a J-PARC to Hyper-K long baseline experiment assuming systematic errors for the signal and background that are controlled at the 5% level. Reducing uncertainties in neutrino flux and interaction modeling will be crucial to achieve 5% uncertainties. The T2K experiment, which uses the J-PARC neutrino beam, an...
Kevin McFarland
(University of Rochester)
22/08/2012, 15:00
The usual strategy for controlling systematic uncertainties due to neutrino interactions in oscillation experiments is to use the same beam, or data from other experiments, to constrain those uncertainties. In this brief discussion, I point out a few limitations in this technique that may be problematic for oscillation physics in the high precision era, and I will suggest some possible remedies.
Kimihiro Okumura
22/08/2012, 15:45
Effect of cosmic background for atm. nu and proton decay will be discussed.
Yusuke Koshio
(Kamioka observatory, ICRR, Univ. of Tokyo)
22/08/2012, 16:25
n this presentation, the sensitivity of solar neutrinos is discussed. In the case of shallow place, the most serious background will be spallation products induced from cosmic ray muons. How much reduce background by improving an analysis method will be estimated. Using this result, the requirement for the solar neutrino physics, such as the constraint to delta-m-square_21, is discussed. The...
Shunsaku Horiuchi
(CCAPP, Ohio State University)
22/08/2012, 16:50
The diffuse supernova neutrino background (DSNB) is the faint glow of MeV neutrinos from distant core-collapse supernovae. It has not been detected yet, but the Super-K upper limit on the flux of electron antineutrino is very close to modern predictions. Hyper-K is expected to detect dozens of DSNB neutrinos yearly. In addition, Hyper-K will open a new window of neutrinos from core collapses...
Carsten Rott
(CCAPP / Ohio State University)
22/08/2012, 17:15
Hyper-Kamiokande will have a tremendous potential for the detection of neutrino signals from dark matter annihilations. The talk will give an overview of analysis methods and dark matter detection channels relevant for Hyper-K. The talk will conclude by giving dark matter sensitivities and by pointing out specific instrumental details that will help to optimize the physics potential for Hyper-K.