Makoto Miura
(Kamioka Observatory, ICRR, University of Tokyo)
8/23/12, 1:55 PM
In this talk, a prospect for software development will be discussed.
Michael Wilking
8/23/12, 2:05 PM
In the Hyper-K detector, all information about a given set of final state particles is encoded in a charge and a time for each photomultiplier tube. This new reconstruction algorithm, based on the method used by MiniBooNE (NIM A608, 206 (2009)), calculates time and charge probability distribution functions for every tube at each stage of a likelihood fit minimization. The particle light...
Chris Walter
(Duke University)
8/23/12, 2:25 PM
WCSim is a Geant4 based water Cherenkov detector simulation originally developed to test the physics potential of a 1 kton water detector located 2 km away from the T2K beam target. Recently, its code has been updated to accommodate the needs of the LBNE water Cherenkov detector option by allowing the simulation of large cylindrical tank configurations with an adjustable number of PMTs....