12–16 Dec 2016
Lecture Hall (1F), Kavli IPMU main building
Asia/Tokyo timezone
Purpose of this Workshop:
Perturbation theory is a critically important tool in all areas of
theoretical physics, but it has long been known that it typically produces
divergent asymptotic series, and understanding how to treat such series
fully systematically has been a major challenge. In the last few years
there has been major progress in understanding these issues in the context
of matrix models, string theory, quantum field theory and also quantum
mechanics. Using ideas from resurgence theory, the burst of activity in
this area over the last few years has vividly illustrated the remarkable
fact that the divergences of perturbative series are not at all random,
and contain precise quantitative information about non-perturbative
effects. These developments are leading to deep insights about
non-perturbative structure and dynamics of quantum field theories, such as
insight into the infrared renormalon problem, and non-perturbative
completion in string theories. Conversely, QFT has provided new insight
into the practical implementation of the very widely applicable theory of
resurgence in ways not previously realised by analysts. Novel applications
of resurgence theories being developed include applications to matrix
Riemann Hilbert problems, and through these to integrable nonlinear
systems, orthogonal polynomials, random matrix and knot theories.

Dates: Dec 12 (Mon) - 16 (Fri), 2016 

Venue: Lecture Hall (1F), Kavli IPMU main building 

List of confirmed invited speakers

Takashi Aoki (Kindai)
Gokce Basar (Maryland)
Ovidiu Costin (Ohio States)
Daniele Dorigoni (Durham)
Alexander Getmanenko (Uniandes)
Marco Gualtieri (Toronto)
Tatsuhiro Misumi (Akita)
Erich Poppitz (Toronto)
Pavel Putrov (IAS)
David Sauzin (Pisa)
Thomas Schaefer (NC State)
Ricardo Schiappa (IST, Lisbon)
Gabriele Spada (ICTP/SISSA)
Tin Sulejmanpasic (NC State)
Yoshitsugu Takei (RIMS)
Yuya Tanizaki (RIKEN)

Aleksey Cherman (Univ. Washington), Gerald Dunne (Univ. of Connecticut), 
Simeon Hellerman (Kavli IPMU), Chris J. Howls (Univ. Southampton), Mikhail Kapranov (Kavli IPMU), Mithat Unsal (North Carolina State University), Masahito Yamazaki (Kavli IPMU)

 Contact Address: : Kavli Institute for the Physics and Mathematics of the Universe (Kavli IPMU), the University of Tokyo, 5-1-5 Kashiwanoha, Kashiwa City, Chiba 277-8583, Japan

Links to some resurgence workshops in the past:

Resurgence in Gauge and String Theories 2016, Lisbon, Portugal: July 18-22, 2016 https://resurgence.math.tecnico.ulisboa.pt 

Resurgence, Physics and Numbers: May 18 May - 22, 2015

Resurgence and localization in string theory and quantum field theory: March 16 – 20, 2015 http://scgp.stonybrook.edu/archives/10828 

Resurgence and Transseries in Quantum, Gauge and String Theories: June 30 - July 4, 2014 https://indico.cern.ch/event/285619/


Lecture Hall (1F), Kavli IPMU main building
We are planning to have several resurgence-related seminars on the week before.