(The University of Tokyo, Institute for Cosmic Ray Research, ICRR)
14/01/2013, 09:00
Opening Session
I will briefly explain discussion items of the meeting.
Masashi Yokoyama
(University of Tokyo)
14/01/2013, 09:50
An update of CP sensitivity study will be given.
Hirohisa A. Tanaka
(University of British Columbia/Institute of Particle Physics)
14/01/2013, 10:35
I will discuss considerations for the design and desired capabilities for a near detector for the long-baseline component of the Hyper-Kamiokande physics program (Tokai-to-HK).
My comments will focus mainly on potential incremental upgrades to the existing ND280 off-axis detector for T2K, but will include thoughts on more substantial upgrades.
Kevin McFarland
(University of Rochester)
, Dr
Mark Hartz
(University of Toronto and York University)
14/01/2013, 10:55
Uncertainties in neutrino energy reconstruction in quasi-elastic scattering due to nuclear effects may be a significant systematic uncertainty for oscillations measurements at Hyper-K. We investigate the possibility of directly measuring these misreconstructions in a model-independent way with a series of off-axis near detectors.
Roger Wendell
14/01/2013, 11:15
This talk will present an update of the expected sensitivity to neutrino oscillations at Hyper-K after corrections to the analysis method and updates of the global value of theta_13.
Christopher Mauger
14/01/2013, 11:30
A novel approach to muon charge-identification is described. The approach uses the neutron-capture signal available in the presence of gadolinium. Applications to atmospheric neutrino studies are discussed.
Shunichi Mine
14/01/2013, 13:25
This talk will present studies toward the improvement of
proton decay event selection at HK using shape information from the signal and background distributions instead of pure counting methods used in proton decay searches at SK thus far. Emphasis will be on the p->e+pi0 mode.
Makoto Miura
(Kamioka Observatory, ICRR, University of Tokyo)
14/01/2013, 13:40
Physics Potential
The proton decay mode, p--> nu-bar+K^+ is favored by SUSY-GUTs and it is an important analysis for Hyper-K. Recently, there have been several improvement in the alaysis. I will discuss how much sensitivity of Hyper-K will be improved by these improvements.
Yasuo Takeuchi
(Dept. of Physics, Grad. School of Science, Kobe Univ.)
14/01/2013, 13:55
An estimation of spallation background in HK will be reported.
Yusuke Koshio
(Kamioka observatory, ICRR, Univ. of Tokyo)
14/01/2013, 14:15
The sensitivity of solar neutrinos is discussed in this presentation. The modification from the previous meeting will be updated back ground rate from spallation, therefore, the results will be more realistic. Another topics is supernova burst neutrinos. This will be more precise than the discussion in the previous meeting, especially, a correlation with another observation such as gravitational wave.
Takatomi Yano
(Okayama Univ.)
14/01/2013, 14:35
In this presentation, SRN sensitivity at HK, with and without Gd option, will be discussed.
Akimichi Taketa
(Earthquake Research Institute)
14/01/2013, 15:20
Absorption neutrinography utilizes very high energy neutrinos with energies above 10 TeV to measure the nucleon density inside the earth whereas oscillation neutrinography measures the electron density by observing the MSW effect. Two independent physical quantities might provide new geophysical information, e.g., isotope ratio, to us. In this talk, a recent attempt to use atmospheric...
(The University of Tokyo, Institute for Cosmic Ray Research, ICRR)
14/01/2013, 15:50
Cavity and Tanks
I will show updates on studies related to the cavern stability, excavation method, waste rock disposal.
Hide-Kazu TANAKA
(ICRR, University of Tokyo)
14/01/2013, 16:20
Cavity and Tanks
Updates of Hyper-K liner and PMT support design will be discussed.
Shoei Nakayama
(Kamioka Observatory, ICRR, University of Tokyo)
14/01/2013, 16:50
Cavity and Tanks
I will present some results from studies on geomagnetic field compensation in the Hyper-K tank, especially an optimization of the compensation coil system.
Hiroyuki Sekiya
14/01/2013, 17:35
Water System
Plans of water source, pure water system, and water flow in the tank.
Mark Vagins
14/01/2013, 18:00
Water System
Progress on the the design and pricing of the water system for the gadolinium option for Hyper-Kamiokande will be presented, as well as the current status of the EGADS gadolinium test project.
David Jaffe
14/01/2013, 18:20
Water System
Samples of water-based liquid scintillator, liquid scintillator and water were
exposed to proton beams of kinetic energy 210, 475 and 2000 MeV.
Preliminary results on light yield will be presented. Implications for the
scientific agenda of future large water Cherenkov detectors will be discussed.
Shoei Nakayama
(Kamioka Observatory, ICRR, University of Tokyo)
15/01/2013, 10:00
Photo-Detector and Support
I will present a brief introduction of current activities in the photodetector sub-WG and
the plan for the photodetector development.
15/01/2013, 10:15
Photo-Detector and Support
Hybrid Photodetector (HPD) is being developed for Hyper-K and a proof test is planned using a 200-ton tank at Kamioka site.
The development of an 8-inch HPD and a plan for the first proof test will be shown.
Yuekun Heng
(Experimental Physics Center, Institute of High Energy Physics)
15/01/2013, 10:35
Photo-Detector and Support
The next generation neutrino experiments call for significantly increasing the total detector volume. Inexpensive PMTs with large size and high efficiency photocathode are needed in order for these experiments to become reality. We have developed a conceptual design of large focusing type PMT aiming for improving the PMT photon detection efficiency. The transmission photocathode coated on the...
Robert Svoboda
(UC Davis)
15/01/2013, 10:55
Photo-Detector and Support
A summary of the evaluation of the Hamamatsu 12-inch PMT will be given, along with a status update on the development of an 11-inch ADIT PMT.
Fabrice Retiere
15/01/2013, 11:05
Photo-Detector and Support
Photo-detector development for maximizing the overall photon detection efficiency
The baseline Hyper-K concept relies on 99,000 20” photomultiplier tubes (PMTs) to provide 20% photo-coverage. We are investigating solutions that would enhance the photo-coverage without compromising either contrast or timing resolution. Contrast roughly quantifies the fraction of photons detected that retain...
Yoshinari Hayato
(ICRR, Kamioka)
15/01/2013, 11:20
DAQ and Electronics
Present expected trigger rate from dark hits, low energy backgrounds and muons, data rate from those events assuming various photo-sensors' dark rates, low energy background rates and muon rates. Also, discuss the applicability of the simple majority trigger scheme for single/3/5 compartments in one detector.
Referring to these estimation, baseline design will be presented
assuming realistic...
Makoto Miura
(Kamioka Observatory, ICRR, University of Tokyo)
15/01/2013, 13:05
Recently, we had several progresses in software development for Hyper-Kamiokande. In this talk, I will give a introduction about our activity.
Chris Walter
(Duke University)
15/01/2013, 13:15
In this talk I will give an overview of the current use of WCSim for Hyper-K. I will explain our tuning and validation strategy, show current validation work by group members, and introduce the other talks in the session on geometry and calibration.
Peter Gumplinger
15/01/2013, 13:30
This talk will describe the development of a parameterized geometry model of the Hyper-K detector for use in the WCSim simulation package. Both details of the geometry itself and the status of the implementation will be described.
Alex Himmel
(Duke University)
15/01/2013, 13:40
This talk will describe how we used comparisons between SKDetSim, the SuperK detector simulation, and a WCSim simulation of the SuperK geometry to tune the optical properties of the simulation, like reflectivity, scattering, and absorption. The goal was to tune the physical properties of the detector materials in order to improve the simulation accuracy in any geometry.
Tarek Akiri
(Duke University)
15/01/2013, 13:55
This talk will show a comparison between the reconstruction performances of WCSim in its Super-K configuration and those of the actual Super-K simulation called SKDetSim. This comparison was done after the tuning of WCSim to SKDetSim. This talk will show many critical distributions as vertex, direction and momentum resolutions as well as the performances for a T2K-like set of cuts for the nue...
Shimpei Tobayama
(University of British Columbia)
15/01/2013, 14:10
fiTQun is a new event reconstruction algorithm which has been developed for the Super-K detector. Using the charge and time information from the photomultiplier tubes in the detector, a likelihood function is constructed, which is then maximized to extract particle track parameters. The new algorithm has the potential to substantially improve particle identification performance as well as...
Francesca Di Lodovico
(Queen Mary, University of London)
15/01/2013, 14:35
A computing strategy that is capable of taking advantage of new technologies (such as Cloud technologies) with minimal impact is needed. The strategy needs to provide a scalable architecture that minimizes the operational overhead. Moreover, long-term data access and preservation are becoming a growing concern worldwide. It has become a requirement in the EU and the US. Incorporating...
Kate Scholberg Scholberg
(Duke University)
15/01/2013, 15:15
This talk will describe the Super-KAVE, a 3D immersive and interactive event display developed using Duke University's DiVE (Duke immersive Virtual Environment) facility. This event display could easily be adapted to Hyper-K or other experiments, and could be ported to similar facilities elsewhere.
Hide-Kazu TANAKA
(ICRR, University of Tokyo)
15/01/2013, 15:25
Detector Calibration
I will discuss PMT/electronics calibration and monitoring.
Hirohisa A. Tanaka
(University of British Columbia/Institute of Particle Physics)
15/01/2013, 15:45
Detector Calibration
I will discuss considerations for the measurement of the optical properties of the water and reflection off the photosensors at Hyper-Kamiokande, including the necessary calibration devices and analysis methods . The talk will include a review of relevant techniques employed at Super-Kamiokande, SNO and MiniBooNE.
Yusuke Koshio
(Kamioka observatory, ICRR, Univ. of Tokyo)
15/01/2013, 16:00
Detector Calibration
The higher level calibration for low energy physics in Hyper-K is discussed. In Super-K, the precise calibration using LINAC, DT and nickel was crucial for make a results. Because of several limitation in Hyper-K, it may not be easy to do the same calibration as Super-K. In this presentation, what is needed for a low energy physics will be discussed.
Shunichi Mine
15/01/2013, 16:15
Detector Calibration
The SK detector calibrations only related to the higher energy physics data analyses (atmospheric neutrino, proton decay, T2K-SK, etc.) will be summarized for the HK detector calibration.
Shunichi Mine
15/01/2013, 16:30
Detector Calibration
The SK OD calibrations will be reviewed for the HK OD calibration.
Szymon Manecki
15/01/2013, 16:40
Detector Calibration
In this talk I will present a review of the calibration systems that were implemented in the detectors of SNO and Borexino
experiments. I will cover the most important points of each of the systems that will be critical for the design of the Hyper-K source
deployment apparatus and its new requirements. Some of the major points in the discussion will be dedicated to the Borexino style source...
Seiko Hirota
(Kyoto Univ.)
Photo-Detector and Support
An 8-inch Hybrid Photodetector (HPD) for the first
proof-test is developed.
Measured performance will be presented.