Jan 14 – 15, 2013
Asia/Tokyo timezone

Contribution List

45 / 45
1/14/13, 8:00 AM
Prof. Masato SHIOZAWA (The University of Tokyo, Institute for Cosmic Ray Research, ICRR)
1/14/13, 9:00 AM
Opening Session
I will briefly explain discussion items of the meeting.
Prof. Tsuyoshi NAKAYA (Kyoto University)
1/14/13, 9:15 AM
Opening Session
Steering Report
Dr Taku Ishida (KEK)
1/14/13, 9:30 AM
Neutrino Beamline
J-PARC and beam-line upgrade
Masashi Yokoyama (University of Tokyo)
1/14/13, 9:50 AM
An update of CP sensitivity study will be given.
Prof. Yasuo Takeuchi (Dept. of Physics, Grad. School of Science, Kobe Univ.)
1/14/13, 1:55 PM
An estimation of spallation background in HK will be reported.
Prof. Masato SHIOZAWA (The University of Tokyo, Institute for Cosmic Ray Research, ICRR)
1/14/13, 3:50 PM
Cavity and Tanks
I will show updates on studies related to the cavern stability, excavation method, waste rock disposal.
Dr Hide-Kazu TANAKA (ICRR, University of Tokyo)
1/14/13, 4:20 PM
Cavity and Tanks
Updates of Hyper-K liner and PMT support design will be discussed.
Dr Hide-Kazu TANAKA (ICRR, University of Tokyo)
1/15/13, 3:25 PM
Detector Calibration
I will discuss PMT/electronics calibration and monitoring.
1/15/13, 5:25 PM