Shoei Nakayama
(Kamioka Observatory, ICRR, University of Tokyo)
15/01/2013, 10:00
Photo-Detector and Support
I will present a brief introduction of current activities in the photodetector sub-WG and
the plan for the photodetector development.
15/01/2013, 10:15
Photo-Detector and Support
Hybrid Photodetector (HPD) is being developed for Hyper-K and a proof test is planned using a 200-ton tank at Kamioka site.
The development of an 8-inch HPD and a plan for the first proof test will be shown.
Yuekun Heng
(Experimental Physics Center, Institute of High Energy Physics)
15/01/2013, 10:35
Photo-Detector and Support
The next generation neutrino experiments call for significantly increasing the total detector volume. Inexpensive PMTs with large size and high efficiency photocathode are needed in order for these experiments to become reality. We have developed a conceptual design of large focusing type PMT aiming for improving the PMT photon detection efficiency. The transmission photocathode coated on the...
Robert Svoboda
(UC Davis)
15/01/2013, 10:55
Photo-Detector and Support
A summary of the evaluation of the Hamamatsu 12-inch PMT will be given, along with a status update on the development of an 11-inch ADIT PMT.
Fabrice Retiere
15/01/2013, 11:05
Photo-Detector and Support
Photo-detector development for maximizing the overall photon detection efficiency
The baseline Hyper-K concept relies on 99,000 20” photomultiplier tubes (PMTs) to provide 20% photo-coverage. We are investigating solutions that would enhance the photo-coverage without compromising either contrast or timing resolution. Contrast roughly quantifies the fraction of photons detected that retain...