27-29 November 2018
Asia/Tokyo timezone

Studies of radiation damage to SiPMs at low temperatures.

28 Nov 2018, 09:35


Mr Adriaan Heering (University of Notre Dame (Notre Dame)) Dr Yuri Musienko (University of Notre Dame (Notre Dame)/INR RAS (Moscow))


Hamamatsu and KETEK SiPMs were irradiated with neutrons up to 2E12 n/cm^2 (1 MeV equivalent) at the CERN CHARM irradiation facility. The SiPMs’ temperature during irradiation was stabilized at -30 C using Peltier thermoelectric cooler. In this article, we report about studies of the SiPM dark currents during and after irradiation.

Primary authors

Mr Adriaan Heering (University of Notre Dame (Notre Dame)) Dr Yuri Musienko (University of Notre Dame (Notre Dame)/INR RAS (Moscow))


Mr Anton Karneyeu (INR RAS (Moscow)) Prof. Mitchell Wayne (University of Notre Dame (Notre Dame))

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