30 November 2020 to 3 December 2020
Kavli IPMU, Kashiwa, Japan
Asia/Tokyo timezone

Requirements for future CMB satellite missions: photometric and band-pass response calibration

1 Dec 2020, 10:55
Remote access (Kavli IPMU, Kashiwa, Japan)

Remote access

Kavli IPMU, Kashiwa, Japan

Kashiwa, Japan


Dr Tommaso Ghigna (Kavli IPMU/Univ. of Oxford)


Future experiments, like the LiteBIRD space-borne mission, aim at measuring the CMB B-mode signal with high accuracy in order to measure the tensor-to-scalar ratio r at the 10^{−3} level. I will present a study of the photometric calibration and bandpass resolution requirements to minimize the leakage of polarized Galactic foreground signals into CMB polarization maps for a multi-frequency CMB experiment. I will show results for the LiteBIRD case and discuss them. Furthermore, following the Planck experience with CO line contamination, I will present an analysis to forecast this effect in LiteBIRD data, and eventually define mitigation strategies.

Presentation materials