28-30 March 2023
Mario Royal Kaikan (Chino, Nagano) + Online
Asia/Tokyo timezone

Quantum Nucleation of Chiral Soliton Lattice

29 Mar 2023, 12:10
Mario Royal Kaikan (Chino, Nagano) + Online

Mario Royal Kaikan (Chino, Nagano) + Online



Kohei Kamada


The Chiral Soliton Lattice (CSL) is a lattice structure composed of pion or axion domain walls aligned in parallel at equal intervals, which is energetically stable in the presence of a background magnetic field and a finite (baryon) chemical potential due to the topological term originated from the chiral anomaly. In this talk, I will discuss how to describe its formation by the quantum tunneling. I will show that CSL formation is promoted when the magnetic field strength and the chemical potential of the system is slightly larger than the scale of the axion decay constant.

Presentation Materials