Little Red Dots and the Rise of Faint, Obscured AGN at z>5

19 Nov 2024, 09:00
Lecture Hall (Kavli IPMU, Kashiwa, Japan)

Lecture Hall

Kavli IPMU, Kashiwa, Japan

Kashiwa, Japan


Dale Kocevski (Colby College)


One of the more surprising results from JWST has been the discovery of faint, broad-line AGN at z > 5 with luminosities that are 2-3 dex below those of bright quasars found from the ground. I will discuss recent AGN-related results from the CEERS Survey and what they tell us about the growth of SMBHs in the early universe. This includes the discovery of an actively accreting SMBH at z=8.67, which is one of the most distant AGN ever identified. The broad-line AGN identified in our NIRSpec observations are powered by black holes with masses of order 10^7 Msol, making them the least-massive BHs known in the early universe. We derive host stellar masses for each AGN, allowing us to place constraints on the BH-galaxy mass relationship in the lowest mass range yet probed in the early universe. Studies in this low-mass regime are key to constraining models of BH seeding and the early growth history of SMBHs. Finally, I will discuss the discovery of a large population of faint, obscured AGN at z>5 known as little red dots (LRDs). Roughly 80% of these sources exhibit broad emission lines in their spectra and our X-ray spectral analysis confirms that they are moderately obscured, with column densities of log (nH/cm^-2) > 23. The number density of these sources is 2-3 dex above that of bright quasars at z ~ 5-7 and 1 dex higher than current samples of X-ray AGN at z~5. I will discuss the implications of our findings on the fraction of BH growth that is heavily obscured in the early Universe.

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