16–19 Sept 2025
Kavli IPMU
Asia/Tokyo timezone


September 16-19, 2025


Kavli IPMU, Kashiwa, Chiba, Japan


A growing community in large-scale-structure (LSS) surveys is pushing cosmological analysis beyond the standard two-point (2pt) statistics, i.e. the spatial or angular correlation between two points mapped by the survey(s). Beyond-2pt statistics are expected to maximize the potential of both large-scale structure and cosmic microwave background surveys, plus their synergies. Recently, they have been proven to improve our odds to detect new physics---including but not limited to the tension in structure growth, the sum of neutrino mass and the non-Gaussianities in the Universe initial conditions.

Recent studies and demonstrations are largely limited to simulation data free of survey systematics, or subset(s) of data from past surveys whose limited precisions mitigated the impact of survey systematics. With the combination of high precision data from ongoing/upcoming surveys and high statistical power of the beyond-2pt statistics, such systematics (and treatments thereof) will be essential in our interpretation of the results. In fact, understanding and validating the impact(s) of these systematics on beyond-2pt statistics is a key step for the community to trust results from beyond-2pt analyses.

This workshop aims to initialize the first step in that direction. It targets both experts in beyond-2pt statistics and those in survey systematics. Here, survey systematics are broadly defined as those associated with telescope/detector operations and measurements, for both photometric and spectroscopic, wide- and deep-field LSS surveys.

Our main goal is to coordinate a plan between the two communities to make the modeling of (and validation against) survey systematics a standard procedure in beyond-2pt analyses. The expected outcome is a white paper summarizing our plan of action. The tentative format of the workshop is 4-6 talks per day, each followed by a group discussion session. We further plan a poster session during the workshop and a few astro/cosmo seminars at IPMU the weeks before and after this workshop.


Registration is open until May 15, 2025.

Confirmed Speakers

Chihway Chiang (UChicago)

Yi-Kuan Chiang (ASIAA)

Tanveer Karim (UToronto)

Hironao Miyatake (Nagoya University)

Ilaria Risso (Genoa University)

Sunao Sugiyama (UofPennsylvania)

Tomomi Sunayama (ASIAA)

Scientific Organizing Committee (SOC)

Jia Liu, Masahiro Takada, Elisabeth Krause, Hee-Jong Seo, Bhuvnesh Jain

Local Organizing committee (LOC)

Nhat-Minh Nguyen (chair),  Linda Blot (co-chair), Leander Thiele (co-chair), Joaquin Armijo, Jingjing Shi, Sherry Song, Kevin McCarthy, Ben Horowitz, Jess Cowell, Ryo Terasawa

DEI coordinators

Nhat-Minh Nguyen, Linda Blot, Jinjing Shi, Leander Thiele, Ben Horowitz, Jess Cowell





Kavli Institute for the Physics and Mathematics of the Universe (Kavli IPMU),
5-1-5 Kashiwa-no-ha, Kashiwa City, Chiba 277-8583, Japan

Kavli IPMU
Lecture Hall, 1F
5-1-5 Kashiwa-no-ha, Kashiwa City, Chiba 277-8583, Japan
Registration for this event is currently open.