27-29 November 2018
Asia/Tokyo timezone

Radiation hardness of SiPMs

28 Nov 2018, 09:00


Dr Yuri Musienko (University of Notre Dame (Notre Dame)/INR RAS (Moscow)) Mr Adriaan Heering (University of Notre Dame (Notre Dame))


The current understanding of radiation tolerance of Silicon Photomultipliers (SiPMs) is reviewed. Effects of radiation damage caused by hadrons, electrons and gammas on SiPMs are presented and discussed. Ideas are presented on how to approach the development of radiation hard SiPMs for the future HEP experiments.

Primary authors

Dr Yuri Musienko (University of Notre Dame (Notre Dame)/INR RAS (Moscow)) Mr Adriaan Heering (University of Notre Dame (Notre Dame))


Prof. Mitchell Wayne (University of Notre Dame (Notre Dame)) Mr Anton Karneyeu (INR RAS (Moscow))

Presentation Materials