15–19 Jan 2024
Fuji Kensyuzyo
Asia/Tokyo timezone

Some Free-time Options

Obviously search engines knows a lot here, but here are some options. Nearby shrines:

  • KitaguchiHongu Sengen Shrine https://sengenjinja.jp/english/index.html
  • Arayayama Shrine http://www.yamajinja.jp/index.html

If you walk ~30 minutes to the east, there is "Roadside Station Fujiyoshida" with Fujisan museum, Mt. Fuji Radar museum and some shops.

You can also go to Lakes Kawaguchi or Yamanaka.

For Lake Kawaguchi, either take a cab / take a bus/ walk to the Fujisan station and then take a train for a few stops. 

Arakurayama Sengen Park is also a famous spot for taking photographs of Mount Fuji, with a five-story pagoda.

For Lake Kawaguchi you need a cab, but I heard you can do some fishing there (you might need prior arrangement). There is also Oshino Hakkai (eight ponds) near the direction of Lake Yamanaka.

There is also the Fuji-Q highland theme park with rollercoasters and such, and it is within easy reach from one of the train stations.

If you want to climb up to the direction of Mount Fuji, there is a trail from nearby the Sengen Shirne.

There are also "sea of trees" in the west direction where you can hike around, which is like ~20-30 minutes by car.