McKay correspondence, Tilting theory and related topics

Lecture Hall (Kavli IPMU, Kashiwa, Japan)

Lecture Hall

Kavli IPMU, Kashiwa, Japan

Kashiwa, Japan

Dates: December 18-22, 2023

Venue: Lecture Hall, Kavli IPMU, Kashiwa, Japan  

Overview:  The McKay correspondence, discovered in the 1980s, has been widely studied in various directions including higher dimensional generalizations, the derived category version, connections to mathematical physics, and so on. Tilting theory, discovered in the 1980s in quiver representations, is a basic tool to control equivalences of the derived categories, and one of the applications is the derived McKay correspondence. We will share recent progress of the McKay correspondence and Tilting theory, and consider new problems and related topics. One of the main topics is Yamagishi's proof of Craw-Ishii conjecture, which asserts that every projective crepant resolution in dimension three is a moduli space for appropriate choice of stability condition. Another one is recent developments of Tilting theory, using stability conditions, the wall-chamber structure in the Grothendieck groups, singularity categories, cluster categories, etc..

Invited speakers: Poster

Sota Asai (Tokyo)
Alexey Bondal (Steklov/Tokyo)
Aaron Chan (Nagoya)
Alastair Craw (Bath)
Will Donovan (Tsinghua)
Linghu Fan (Tokyo)
Amihay Hanany (Imperial)
Norihiro Hanihara (Tokyo)
Wahei Hara (Tokyo)
Liana Heuberger (Bath)
Yuki Hirano (Tokyo U. Agri & Tech)
Austin Hubbard (Bath)
Gustavo Jasso (Lund)
Yujiro Kawamata (Tokyo)
Ayako Kubota (Waseda)
Timothy Logvinenko (Cardiff)
Koji Matsushita (Osaka)
Yuya Mizuno (Osaka Metropolitan)
Kaveh Mousavand (OIST)
Shigeru Mukai (Kyoto)
Yusuke Nakajima (Kyoto Sangyo)
Tsutomu Nakamura (Mie)
Alvaro Nolla de Celis (Madrid)
Andrei Okounkov (Columbia)
Miles Reid (Warwick)
Shunya Saito (Nagoya) 
Yusuke Sato(Kogakuin)
Yukinobu Toda (Tokyo)
Kenta Ueyama (Shinshu)
Yi-Nan Wang (Peking)
Michael Wemyss (Glasgow)
Ryo Yamagishi (Bath) 
Takehiko Yasuda (Osaka)

Organizing Committee:

Yukari Ito (Kavli IPMU)
Akira Ishii (Nagoya)
Osamu Iyama (Tokyo)
This conference is supported by Kavli IPMU and JSPS KAKENHI Grant numbers JP18K03209.

Kavli Institute for the Physics and Mathematics of the Universe (Kavli IPMU),
the University of Tokyo, 5-1-5 Kashiwa-no-ha, Kashiwa City, Chiba 277-8583, Japan



  • Aaron Chan
  • Akira Ishii
  • Alastair Craw
  • Alexey Bondal
  • Alvaro Nolla de Celis
  • Amihay Hanany
  • Andrei Okounkov
  • Austin Hubbard
  • Ayako Kubota
  • Cheng Shu
  • Cheol Hyun Cho
  • Genki Ouchi
  • Gustavo Jasso
  • Haruko Matsuzawa
  • Hayato Arai
  • Henry Liu
  • Hiroki Matsui
  • Hiroshi Naruse
  • Hiroshi Ohta
  • Hisanori Ohashi
  • Hokuto Uehara
  • Jiahua Tian
  • Jiakang Bao
  • John Ashley Capellan
  • Kaori Suzuki
  • Katherine Maxwell
  • Kaveh Mousavand
  • Keiji Oguiso
  • Kenta Ueyama
  • Kentaro Hori
  • Kohei Aoyama
  • Kohei Motegi
  • Kohei Sato
  • Koji Matsushita
  • Kosuke Mizuno
  • Kota Murakami
  • Liana Heuberger
  • Linghu Fan
  • Masahito Yamazaki
  • Masaki Matsuno
  • Mayu Tsukamoto
  • Mengxue Yang
  • Michael Wemyss
  • Mikhail Kapranov
  • Miles Reid
  • Naoki Genra
  • Naoya Hiramae
  • Norihiro Hanihara
  • Nurudeen Bangora
  • Osamu Iyama
  • Oscar Finegan
  • Paul Helminck
  • Renji Sakamoto
  • Runxuan Gao
  • Ryo Kanda
  • Ryo Terada
  • Ryo Yamagishi
  • Ryota Iitsuka
  • Ryu Tomonaga
  • Ryushi Goto
  • Saki Koizumi
  • Sangwook Lee
  • Shigeru Mukai
  • Shinnosuke Okawa
  • Shu Nimura
  • Shunsuke Kano
  • Shunya Saito
  • Sota Asai
  • Sukmoon Huh
  • Susumu Higuchi
  • Tadashi Ashikaga
  • Takahide Adachi
  • Takashi Chiba
  • Takehiko Yasuda
  • Takuro Abe
  • taro sano
  • Timothy Logvinenko
  • Todor Milanov
  • Tomohiro Karube
  • Tomoki Yoshida
  • Tsutomu Nakamura
  • Wahei Hara
  • Will Donovan
  • Wu-Yen Chuang
  • xiaolong hu
  • Yasuaki Gyoda
  • Yi-Nan Wang
  • Yoshihisa Saito
  • Yoshinori Namikawa
  • Yudai Yamamoto
  • Yuji Shimizu
  • Yuji Tachikawa
  • Yujiro Kawamata
  • Yukari Ito
  • Yuki Hirano
  • Yuki Mizuno
  • Yuki Tochitani
  • Yukino Yagi
  • Yukinobu Toda
  • Yusuke Nakajima
  • Yusuke Sato
  • Yuta Kimura
  • Yuta Takashima
  • Yutaka Nagai
  • Yutaro Kaijima
  • Yutaro Sugimoto
  • Yuto Masamura
  • Yuya AKAHORI
  • Yuya Mizuno
  • Yuya Sasaki
  • 渓(Kei) 石松(Ishimatsu)