4:30 PM
Discovery Potential for Decaying Dark Matter and Faint X-ray Sources with XRISM
Yu Zhou
4:50 PM
MSc Dissertation Project: The Plotting and Analysis of Complex Spectral Curves from Black Holes through AdS/CFT Correspondence and Hydrodynamics
Duoen Shou
(University of Edinburgh)
5:10 PM
Measuring lensing convergence dispersion using auto-correlation of gravitational wave sources and cross-correlation between gravitational wave sources and galaxies
Fumihiro Chuman
(Department of Physics, Graduate School of Science, Chiba University)
5:30 PM
Perturbations in O(D,D) string cosmology from double field theory
Stephen Angus
(CQUeST, Sogang University)
5:40 PM
Characterisation of the power spectrum of acoustically generated gravitational waves with a soft equation of state
Lorenzo Giombi
(University of Helsinki)
5:40 PM
Implications of f(Q) Gravity on Cosmological Parameters
Chaymae Karam
(Mohammed V University of Rabat, Faculty of Sciences (High Energy Physics Team - Modeling and Simulation))
5:40 PM
XLZD: A Next-Generation Liquid Xenon Observatory for Dark Matter and Neutrino Physics
Shingo Kazama
(Nagoya University)
5:40 PM
Non-Gaussianity from primordial black holes
Naoya Kitajima
(Tohoku University)
5:40 PM
Gravitational Wave Sourced by Decay of Massive Particle from Primordial Black Hole evaporation
Satyabrata Mahapatra
(Sungkyunkwan University)
5:40 PM
Star-Crossed: Model-Independent Consistency of Supernova Cosmology
William Luke Matthewson
(Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute)
5:40 PM
A universal constraint on axion non-Abelian dynamics during inflation
Martino Michelotti
(University of Groningen)
5:40 PM
Design of a pilot search for ALPs in the μeV wide-mass range with a x-band pairwise-circular-polarized dual-frequency focusing collider
Takafumi Miyamaru
(Hiroshima Univ.)
5:40 PM
Studies of the selection effect of galaxies on clustering analysis in a wide-area spectroscopic survey
Kanmi Nose
(Kavli IPMU)
5:40 PM
MeV gamma-ray background from the Moon in indirect dark matter detection
Keigo Okuma
(Nagoya University)
5:40 PM
A Study of Cold, Fuzzy, and Self-Interacting Dark Matter Halos in Dwarf Galaxies
Fahmi Muhammad Al Farisy
(Institut Teknologi Bandung)
5:40 PM
Constraints on Extended Axion Structures from Lensing Effects of Fast Radio Burst
Kuan-Yen Chou
(National Tsing Hua University)
5:40 PM
Characteristic Mass of Dark Matter Halos for the Cusp-Core Transition
Michi Shinozaki
(University of Tsukuba)
5:40 PM
Behaviour of Self-interacting Ultralight Bosonic Dark Matter in the Vicinity of a Black Hole
Jianqiao Deng
5:40 PM
Velocity statistics of cosmic large-scale structure from Hamiltonian particle dynamics
Marvin Sipp
(Institute for Theoretical Physics, Heidelberg University)
5:40 PM
Search for dark matter decay and annihilation using observation by Tibet AS_{\gamma} and LHAASO
(Indian institute of science, Bangalore)
5:40 PM
Alleviate S8 tension by introducing scale dependence beyond power-law in the primordial power spectrum
Ryo Terasawa
(Kavli IPMU)
5:40 PM
Primordial Black Hole Formation from Power Spectrum with Finite-width
Jianing Wang
(Institute of Theoretical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
5:40 PM
Thermal Wash-in Leptogenesis via Heavy Higgs Decay
Hidenaga Watanabe
5:40 PM
Neutrinos from the Sun can discover dark matter-electron scattering
Akash Kumar Saha
(Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru, India)
5:40 PM
Search for heavy dark matter with Fermi LAT
Deheng Song
(YITP, Kyoto U)
5:40 PM
Thermodynamic analysis of black holes with cloud of strings and quintessence via Barrow entropy
(FUKUSHIMA University)
5:40 PM
Sommerfeld Effect in Composite Dark Matter
Takumu Yamanaka
(Osaka University)