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The Kashiwanoha Dark Matter and Cosmology Symposium is a continuation of the Kashiwa Dark Matter Symposium. The Kashiwa Dark Matter Symposium is a yearly conference that started in 2019 sponsored by ICRR (+grants). From 2024, this conference is organized by IPMU and while maintaining the original goals, we are also expanding the scope to include topics relevant for the researchers at IPMU. The Kashiwanoha Dark Matter and Cosmology symposium series has the goal to regularly bring together international researchers from all relevant experimental and theoretical fields in current and future dark matter searches and cosmology. This year, we will have a special symposium since we are combining it with the “Satellite workshop of COSMO 2024” which will bring international researchers attending COSMO 2024 in Kyoto to IPMU. We believe this is a great opportunity to have a very strong line up of speakers and participants in cosmology and dark matter at IPMU.
October 28 – November 1, 2024
Invited speaker list (as of 2024-09-26):
The on-site symposium will take place at the Lecture Hall of Kavli IPMU, The University of Tokyo, Kashiwa Campus (5-1-5, Kashiwanoha, Kashiwa-shi, Chiba, 277-8584, Japan).
This symposium will be held in a hybrid format. Details will be announced soon.
Due to operational constraints, We limit remote presentations to invited speakers only.
This symposium is supported in part by:
Inflation remains the favoured explanation for the origin of the primordial density fluctuations that seeded all large-scale structures in the universe. A precise connection between inflation and particle physics (and quantum gravity) would give a unique observational window into physics at the highest energies. After a general introduction to multifield scenarios, I will discuss recent progress on novel inflationary attractors, and how to find them.
The Copernican Revolution — the heliocentric model of the Universe introduced by Nicolaus Copernicus — is considered as one of the most significant achievements in the history of science. And yet, as it comes out, it luckily happened despite many obstacles and even then it could have become unnoticed and forgotten. The year 2023 marked the 550th anniversary of the birth of Nicolaus Copernicus which gave us additional motivation to have a closer look at his highly extraordinary life and achievement.
In recent years, ultralight dark matter models have gained significant attention as a novel paradigm in dark matter research. These models produce signals distinct from the conventional WIMP dark matter, prompting the development of unconventional detection methods. In this talk, I will review several proposed and ongoing searches, with a particular focus on research conducted in Japan. Additionally, I will discuss the theoretical challenges that arise in these approaches, highlighting areas that require further exploration.
Currently, the search for primordial gravitational waves is largely focused on detecting the parity-odd polarization pattern in the Cosmic Microwave Background—the B-modes. Accurately interpreting B-mode measurements depends heavily on understanding their production mechanisms. A particularly compelling scenario involves gravitational wave generation through the interaction of axion with gauge fields. I will discuss recent advances in axion inflation incorporating non-Abelian gauge fields, highlighting primordial gravitational wave background signatures and implications for primordial magnetogenesis.
We revisit the decoherence of primordial scalar curvature and tensor perturbations in minimal single-field inflation, by considering the slow-roll unsuppressed non-Gaussian phase in their wave functional. The phase can be seen either from boundary (total time-derivative) terms in the action, produced by the usual integration-by-parts procedure, or the WKB approximation of the Wheeler-DeWitt equation. By tracing out unobserved degree of freedom which interacts with observed modes, such a phase can cause much faster cosmic decoherence, compared to those by bulk interactions. We thus provide a better estimation of the decoherence effect to some recent proposals probing the quantum nature of primordial perturbations such as the cosmological Bell test, showing a possible window of around 5 e-folds.
Related papers: JHEP 06 (2023) 101 (arXiv:2305.08071), JHEP 04 (2023) 092 (arXiv:2207.04435), arXiv:2405.07141"