Towards realistic physics at large quantum number


Dates May 13 May 17, 2024

Venue Kavli IPMU Lecture Hall

The study of quantum mechanical systems in sectors of large quantum number leads to significant simplifications and allows the calculation of physical quantities of otherwise strongly–coupled systems in terms of an expansion in the large quantum number. Large–charge predictions have been verified to high accuracy in various independent calculations.
This workshop aims to bring together people with diverse backgrounds interested in this topic.
We plan two talks by senior speakers in the mornings as well as contributed talks by junior participants in the afternoons, plus plenty of time for discussions.

Invited speakers

Oleg Antipin (Ruder Boskovic Institute)

Gabriel Cuomo (NYU and Princeton)

Nicola Dondi (ICTP)

Zohar Komargodski (SCGP)

Alexander Monin (U. of South Carolina)

Yu Nakayama (YITP)

Emily Nardoni (Kavli IPMU)

Anastasios Petkou (Tessaloniki)

Francesco Sannino (SDU)

Organizing Committee
Jahmall Bersini (Kavli IPMU))
Simeon Hellerman (Kavli IPMU)
Domenico Orlando (INFN Torino)
Susanne Reffert (Bern)

Kavli Institute for the Physics and Mathematics of the Universe (Kavli IPMU),
the University of Tokyo, 5
15 Kashiwanoha, Kashiwa City, Chiba 2778583, Japan



  • Adar Sharon
  • Alexander Monin
  • Anastasios Petkou
  • Andrew Gomes
  • Domenico Orlando
  • Emily Nardoni
  • Francesco Galvagno
  • Francesco Sannino
  • Gabriel Cuomo
  • Giacomo Sberveglieri
  • Jahmall Matteo Bersini
  • Kentaro Hori
  • Masataka Watanabe
  • Matthew Roberts
  • Meer Ashwinkumar
  • Nicola Andrea Dondi
  • Oleg Antipin
  • Pantelis Panopoulos
  • Rongkang Zhang
  • Simeon Hellerman
  • Susanne Reffert
  • Tom Melia
  • Vito Pellizzani
  • Yu Nakayama
  • Yuan Miao
  • Yunqin Zheng
  • Zohar Komargodski
    • 9:25 AM 9:30 AM
      Welcome to IPMU 5m
      Speaker: Dr Domenico Orlando (INFN Torino)
    • 9:30 AM 10:30 AM
      6D N=(2,0) SCFTs at large-R-charge and the 2D conformal block 1h

      I will compute the OPE data of large-$R$-charge operators in 6D N=(2,0) SCFTs using the moduli effective action. Using the work of Beem, Rastelli, and Rees, this is related to the large-order behaviour of the 2D (Virasoro) conformal block. I will compute the 2D data numerically to show consistency with the result from 6D effective action. Based on these, a general conjecture about the large-order behaviour of the Virasoro block will also be presented.

      Speaker: Masataka Watanabe
    • 11:00 AM 12:00 PM
      Dimensionally Reducing Generalized Symmetries 1h
      Speaker: Emily Nardoni (Kavli IPMU)
    • 9:30 AM 10:30 AM
      (Large) charge covexity and hairy black holes in AdS 1h
      Speaker: Yu Nakayama
    • 11:00 AM 12:00 PM
      Conformal ladder graphs as thermal partition functions 1h

      I describe a recently discovered correspondence between L-loop conformal ladder graphs in D=2 and D=4 fishnet CFTs, and thermal partition functions of massive free scalars in d=2L+1 dimensions. The correspondence reveals some previously unobserved algebraic and differential relations among the conformal graphs. It also provides a statistical field theory interpretation for the all-loop resummation of the ladder graphs. Other possible implications of the correspondence are also discussed.

      Speaker: Anastasios Petkou
    • 1:30 PM 2:30 PM
      New perspective in fermionic CFTs at large charge 1h

      I will present some results concerning large-charge sectors of 3d CFTs with fermionic degrees of freedom. I will focus on theories that are weakly coupled at large-N, allowing for analytic determination of finite-density ground states. Other than superfluid ground states, certain large-charge sectors are described by filled Fermi Sphere ground states, whose stability beyond the large-N expansion is still an open problem. If time allows it, I will present a few recent ideas on matrix-model effective theories for monopole operators in fermionic (gauge) theories.

      Speaker: Nicola Dondi
    • 9:30 AM 10:30 AM
      Monodromy defects and holography 1h

      With an aim to further quantify non-pertubative defects in quantum field theory, we study two-dimensional magnetic defects in four dimensional SUSY quantum field theories which preserve a two-dimensional superconformal symmetry along the defect. These can be thought of as an infrared limit of a magnetic solenoid. On general grounds such magnetic defects support localized chiral edge states, and in our system we generically preserve a (0,2) supersymmetry. We compute various physical observables such induced currents rotating around the solenoid, as well as central charges of the defect, as a function of the monodromies. Time permitting, we also comment on the analagous case of one dimensional defects in three dimensional QFTs.

      Speaker: Matthew Roberts
    • 11:00 AM 12:00 PM
      Towards Standard Model at large charge 1h
      Speaker: Oleg Antipin
    • 1:30 PM 2:30 PM
      Squeezing information out of QCD 1h
      Speaker: Francesco Sannino
    • 9:30 AM 10:30 AM
      String Interactions in Yang Mills Theory 1h
      Speaker: Zohar Komargodski
    • 11:00 AM 12:00 PM
      The EFT of Large Spin Mesons 1h

      As well known, mesons with large spin J in large Nc QCD can be described as rotating open strings using effective field theory (EFT). However, some subtleties arise for light quarks, due to the breakdown of the derivative expansion near the endpoints. Building on previous works on the subject, I will describe a consistent treatment of such endpoints’ singularities and obtain results, in a systematic 1/J expansion, for the spectrum of the leading and daughter Regge trajectories. Interestingly, the redshift factor associated with the quarks’ acceleration implies that the applicability regime of the EFT is smaller than for static fluxtubes. Depending on time, I will also mention some extensions of the EFT of phenomenological interests, such as the quarks’ spin, and the pseudo-axion, a massive string mode identified in lattice simulations of 4d fluxtubes. Finally, I will comment on the comparison with data in 4d QCD, and discuss the prospects for applying a similar EFT to the study of the glueball spectrum in Yang-Mills theory.

      Speaker: Gabriel Cuomo
    • 1:30 PM 2:30 PM
      NLO in the large charge sector in the critical O(N) model at large N 1h
      Speaker: Giacomo Sberveglieri
    • 9:30 AM 10:30 AM
      Baby steps toward Lorentzian CFT at large charge 1h
      Speaker: Alexander Monin
    • 11:00 AM 12:00 PM
      An EFT approach to large charge convexity 1h

      I will present recently understood aspects of large charge convexity, and its violation, using an EFT approach. We first distinguish between "quantum" and "semi-classical" violations of convexity. We then show that the latter, if they exist, are extremely constrained by the EFT. Based on work with Riccardo Rattazzi, Alexander Monin, and Tim Cohen.

      Speaker: Andrew Gomes