2–6 Feb 2015
Asia/Tokyo timezone

There is increasing evidence that massive galaxies have substantial outer halos, making them much larger than earlier estimates. As in the Milky Way, these large halos are evidence of the merging history of massive galaxies. Indeed, there is some evidence from simulations that minor mergers 'puff up' compact galaxies between z~3 and the present. If this is the case, there should be ample evidence of size evolution of early-type galaxies in the next generation of imaging data (such as Hyper Supreme Cam on Subaru), as the outskirts of massive galaxies are built up from z~2 to the present. However, measuring galaxy sizes is not trivial. Technical hurdles include sky subtraction, model selection, and surface brightness dimming. In addition, the interpretation of galaxy size evolution will require numerical modeling. By improving size measurements of massive galaxies and connecting them with numerical simulations of galaxy mergers, we will have a better idea of how galaxies grow.
For this workshop, we will bring together a group of 30 or so experts working on various aspects of size measurements and size evolution, including observers, simulators, and theorists. The workshop will be organized around a series of themes related to galaxy sizes, including size measurements and galaxy profiles, size growth of early type galaxies, galaxy sizes as a function of environment, the intra-cluster medium, BCG sizes, simulations of galaxy mergers and the growth of galaxies. Attendees will be asked to help present a topic and facilitate discussion. We hope these discussions will lead to a better understanding of how to measure and interpret galaxy sizes.
February 2 (Mon) - 6 (Fri), 2015
Lecture Hall (1F), Kavli IPMU main building
Claire Lackner, Benedetta Vulcani, Song Huang,  Alexie Leauthaud,
Kevin Bundy
Address: Kavli Institute for the Physics and Mathematics of the Universe (Kavli IPMU), the University of Tokyo, 5-1-5 Kashiwanoha, Kashiwa City, Chiba 277-8583, Japan
e-mail: kavli.ipmu.galaxy.sizes at gmail.com


Sponsor : Kavli IPMU, The University of Tokyo


