Snapshots : Snapshots taken at the workshop are available here
We organize an international conference titled "Key Aspects in Exploring Road to Unification (KAERU Conference)", which will be held in 2015, March 25 and 26 at IPMU, Tokyo, Japan.
The subjects covered in the meeting are various fields in phenomenology of particle physics and cosmology, such as collider phenomenology, physics beyond the Standard Model, flavor physics, QCD, Higgs physics, dark matter, and inflation.
Program will be arranged with invited talks only.
The conference room is Media Hall in Kashiwa Library which is located near the IPMU building. The conference room is Lecture Hall in the Kavli IPMU building. (Map)
Registration fee is free, but we require the participants to register via this indico page.
There will be no support for travel fees.
For contact, please send E-mail to
We also encourage the participants to attend a satellite workshop "MadGraph5_aMC@NLO Femto Workshop" at Kavli IPMU on Mar/27.