October 28, 2024 to November 1, 2024
Kavli IPMU
Asia/Tokyo timezone

Important Information (Final Circular)

Dear all participants,


Thank you very much for your registration for the hybrid Kashiwa-no-ha Dark Matter and Cosmology Symposium 2024 starting next week. 


This message is to inform you about your participation:

 1. Symposium venue and reception
 2. Final program
 3. Rooms for plenary and parallel sessions
 4. WiFi service
 5. Coffee and lunch breaks
 6. For oral presenters
 7. For poster presenters
 8. For banquet attendees
 9. Direct Zoom link
10. Slack participation
11. Group Photo
12. Code of Conduct and Zoom Netiquette

1. Symposium venue and reception

The on-site symposium will take place at Kavli IPMU, The University of Tokyo, Kashiwa Campus (5-1-5, Kashiwanoha, Kashiwa-shi, Chiba, 277-8584, Japan).

Please see the page below for directions to the Kashiwa Campus:


Reception opens around 8:30a.m. every symposium day, and the reception desk is located near the Kavli IPMU Lecture Hall (1st floor).


2. Final program

The final program is available on the webpage, please check it out:


The symposium starts next Monday, November 28 at 8:50a.m. JST.


3. Rooms for plenary and parallel sessions

All the plenary sessions will be held at Lecture Hall (Please see Floor Map: https://indico.ipmu.jp/event/437/attachments/4879/6637/FloorMap.pdf).

Since the number of seats in Lecture Hall is limited, we will do the live remote from Seminar room A and B (Please see the “FloorMap.pdf”) via zoom.

Thus, you can also hear their presentations not only in Lecture Hall but Seminar room A/B.

Parallel sessions will be held simultaneously in the Lecture Hall and Seminar Room A. The parallel sessions held in Seminar Room A will be connected to Seminar room B via zoom.


Please note that Seminar Room A will not be available on Monday afternoon (You can't leave your luggage in the room either. Please ask one of the organizers for directions on where to leave your luggage.).

4. WiFi service

If you have an Eduroam account, you can connect to the Eduroam WiFi. If you do not have it, please use your own mobile hotspot (portable WiFi).

Thank you for your understanding in advance.

5. Coffee and lunch breaks

For coffee breaks, we will prepare coffee and snacks at Fujiwara Hall on the 3rd floor. Please use the stairs or the elevators (see the “FloorMap.pdf”) to go up to the 3rd floor.

For lunch places, please go to the website below and see “Kashiwa Campus”. 


6. For oral presenters

For both onsite and online presenters, please join the Zoom venue and present your slides yourself via Zoom screen sharing. With your Zoom link, you will be able to join the Zoom venue an hour before the session starts on the day of your presentation. 

Some members of the local organizing committee will welcome you and help you with any issues. You can e.g., use this time to test your audio and video connection and screen sharing.

Please stay within the allotted time. Due to the time constraints of presenters, we have to strictly enforce the total time budget per talk, which is 12+3 minutes for contributed talks and 25+5 minutes for invited talks.

7. For poster presenters

We will have the session in the afternoon (16:30-18:00) on the 29th (Tuesday) and the 31st (Thursday).

The presenters give their poster presentations either on the 29th or 31th. Please check the date you will give a presentation on our symposium website:



For presenters on Tuesday:
Please put your poster on the poster board specified by your ID (the number put in front of your poster title on the website) on Monday and take it off after the Tuesday session.


For presenters on Thursday:
Please put your poster on the poster board specified by your ID (the number put in front of your poster title on the website) on Wednesday and take it off after the Thursday session.


For the locations of the poster boards, please refer to the following link: https://indico.ipmu.jp/event/437/attachments/4879/6638/Posters.pdf.  

Your poster can be up to A0 in size, but it must be in portrait format (landscape should not be allowed). Note that we cannot print your poster at Kavli IPMU (the venue), so please print it at your institute/university.
We will also ask you to upload your poster (in PDF format) to the symposium website.

8. For banquet attendees

The banquet date is October 30th (Wed.), 6:00PM-8:00PM. 

The place is Cafe Restaurant AGORA (https://gurunavi.com/en/gayk601/rst/?__ngt__=TT15cde5cd6002ac1e4ae0faTrrzqRoAlFBsEltpzxsWGk).


The banquet will be an all-you-can-eat buffet. Some dishes will be prepared for vegetarians (not for strict vegetarians or vegans).

Please don’t stay, eat, and drink outside of the restaurant and satellite venue. Glasses will also be replaced when ordering new drinks.

PLEASE BE SURE to bring your name tag to the banquet, to identify the banquet attendees.

9. Direct Zoom link 

For security reasons, we will share a zoom link this weekend.

Thank you for your understanding.

10. Slack participation

We would like to use Slack for offline discussion of oral and poster presentations.

Please join the Slack space (you can do it now) by clicking on this link: 

(Please check the final circular in your mailbox to find the Slack link)

If you have any problems or questions during the symposium, please let us know best on the #helpdesk channel on Slack.

11. Group Photo

We will have the group photo session before lunch on Monday, November 18. Please gather in front of the Kavli IPMU entrance.

12. Code of Conduct and Zoom etiquette

Please be aware of our Code of Conduct:


If you have any questions or problems, you can also always write to us at kashiwanoha-dm-2024@ipmu.jp.


We are looking forward to the new edition of the Kashiwa Dark Matter Symposia.

On behalf of the Organizing Committee:

Shigeki Matsumoto (chair, Kavli IPMU)
Elisa Ferreira (chair, Kavli IPMU)
Ippei Obata (chair, Kavli IPMU)
Kento Asai (ICRR)
Andrew Eberhardt (Kavli IPMU)
Kohei Hayashi (NIT, Sendai)
Anamaria Hell (Kavli IPMU)
Nagisa Hiroshima (YNU)
Shunichi Horigome (Kavli IPMU)
Qiuyue Liang (Kavli IPMU)
Maria Mylova (Kavli IPMU)
Tadayuki Takahashi (Kavli IPMU)