Early Universe Cosmology: Plenary 1-2
- Maria Mylova
Early Universe Cosmology: Plenary 22-24
- Maria Mylova
Early Universe Cosmology: Parallel G
- Maria Mylova
Early Universe Cosmology: Parallel N
- Maria Mylova
Inflation remains the favoured explanation for the origin of the primordial density fluctuations that seeded all large-scale structures in the universe. A precise connection between inflation and particle physics (and quantum gravity) would give a unique observational window into physics at the highest energies. After a general introduction to multifield scenarios, I will discuss recent...
Currently, the search for primordial gravitational waves is largely focused on detecting the parity-odd polarization pattern in the Cosmic Microwave Background—the B-modes. Accurately interpreting B-mode measurements depends heavily on understanding their production mechanisms. A particularly compelling scenario involves gravitational wave generation through the interaction of axion with gauge...
We revisit the decoherence of primordial scalar curvature and tensor perturbations in minimal single-field inflation, by considering the slow-roll unsuppressed non-Gaussian phase in their wave functional. The phase can be seen either from boundary (total time-derivative) terms in the action, produced by the usual integration-by-parts procedure, or the WKB approximation of the Wheeler-DeWitt...