This online theory workshop will bring together Quarkonia and Dark Matter physicists. The main goal of this workshop is to exchange theoretical knowledge on the intersection of both fields. In particular, this includes state-of-the-art effective field theoretical descriptions of heavy pair annihilation and bound-state formation/dissociation inside a plasma, as well as non-equilibrium quantum field theories for describing the systems dynamics, such as open quantum system treatments and the Keldysh-Schwinger formalism. For this initial meeting, speakers are experts in the fields and selected by invitation only. Participants are encouraged to apply for a poster contribution.
Tobias Binder, Shigeki Matsumoto, Nora Brambilla, Xiajun Yao and Tom Melia
World Premier International Research Center Initiative (WPI), MEXT, Japan (S. Matsumoto & T. Melia & T. Binder), JSPS Core-to-Core Program Grant Number JPJSCCA20200002 (S. Matsumoto & T. Binder),
20H01895 (S. Matsumoto & T. Binder),
17H02878 (S. Matsumoto),
JP19H05810 (T. Melia),
JP20H01896 (T. Melia),
JP20H00153 (T. Melia & S. Matsumoto)